The guide to applicant for hire of craft:
(1) | The applicants must at least reach 14 years old. Applicants aged 18 or above must sign the declaration to indicate that they are able to swim at least 50 metres with cloths on or highly proficient in swimming, have attained the required water sports qualifications, and do not suffer from any physical illness that make them unfit to participate in the activities. For applicants aged between 14 to 17 must seek prior consent from parents/guardians or authorised persons and have a declaration signed on their behalf. | |
(2) | Children aged below 14 cannot be the applicants for craft hiring. Children aged between 8 to 13 can use the hired craft if they are accompanied by their parents/guardians or persons authorised by their parents/guardians on a one-to-one basis and the parents/guardians will get afloat for the same type of water sports activity with the youths and be the applicants for craft hiring. | |
(3) | All craft users should be at least 8 years old and should sign a declaration that they are able to swim with clothes for at least 50 metres / proficient in swimming. | |
(4) | Participants should bring along their admission tickets and original copy of identity documents used for enrollment (Hong Kong residents should produce their Hong Kong Identity Cards (Birth Certificates / Documents of Identity for Visa Purposes also acceptable for children aged below 11). Children aged 14 or below may produce a copy of their identity documents. The original of a valid photograph-bearing student handbook / card should also be produced if their identity documents supplied do not bear a photograph. Persons without Hong Kong Identity Cards should produce their valid travel documents (such as Passports, Exit-Entry Permits for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao)), recognised qualifications and activity log books for verification by the centre staff on activity day. | |
(5) | (a) | Persons who aged 60 or above, full-time students, or disabled persons are eligible for concessionary rates. LCSD shall not allow a hirer to use a facility if he/she is not eligible for concessionary rate but has nonetheless booked the facility with concessionary rate by claiming to be so eligible. |
(b) | Except where the hirer is a disabled person, in order to enjoy concessionary rates for the use of facilities, the hirer and all his/her partner(s) should be eligible for concessions. Subject to Condition 5(c) below, if any partner(s) of the hirers are found not eligible for concessions, the hirer will be required to immediately top up the shortfall between concessionary rate and normal rate. Failure to do so will result in those users who are not eligible for concessions being required to leave the facility. | |
(c) | Disabled persons are eligible to use the booked session(s) at concessionary rates with the company of an accompanying carer with a maximum ratio at 1:1. Accompanying carers of disabled persons when using facilities that require payment by individual hirers/users are also eligible for concessionary rate on a ratio at 1:1. | |
(d) | Hirers/users enjoying concessionary rates are required to produce proof of eligibility for concession, e.g. student cards, registration card for persons with disabilities, Senior Citizen card issued by the Social Welfare Department or identity card for verification at the check-in counter before using the facilities or during the booked session. | |
(e) | Full-time students may present valid student identity card, student handbook or relevant document provided by school (but not limit to the above documents). Personalised Octopus Card with "Student Status" is not accepted as identity proof for student status. If the validity period is not specified on the student identity card, the venue staff on duty reserve the right to request the student concerned to provide other evidence to prove his/her student status. | |
(f) | If a hirer is found to have abused the concessionary rate, his/her booking right for use of sports facilities will be suspended for a period of 180 days. The start day of suspension shall be determined by the LCSD upon confirmation of the breach by the hirer. | |
(6) | When taking part in water activities, craft users should wear suitable clothing and gear (such as swimming suits, swimming trunks, spectacle bands, sun caps, light, fit, breathable long-sleeved clothes); and toe and heel-protected rubber shoes suitable for water sports (slippers or sandals are not allowed), and life jackets or buoyancy aids provided by the centres. | |
(7) | Any craft users who fail to meet the requirements as stipulated in conditions 1 to 6 above will not be allowed to use the craft. | |
(8) | Only one craft should be hired in each session, except the one for the parent/guardian who will accompany the craft user aged below 14 for taking part in water sports activities. | |
(9) | All applications will be confirmed only upon received the craft rental. Participants should keep their admission tickets until the end of the activity. | |
(10) | Craft users must return the craft and accessories to the equipment collection counters punctually. Rigging and de-rigging should be taken part within the craft hiring period. Craft users must collect the Equipment Collection Forms from the equipment collection counters and return the Forms to the counter staff when they check out at the reception counters. Late return of craft will incur additional hiring fee (at an hourly rate). | |
(11) | Craft users must return all hired equipment to the centres before departure. Should there be any damage or loss, craft users must report to the centre staff immediately. The centres reserve the right to claim damages against any hirers whose improper use of the equipment has resulted in damage or loss of the equipment. | |
(12) | All water sport activities must be carried out within the waters specified by the centres. | |
(13) | A hirer who is unable to take up a booked session should cancel the booked facility as soon as possible. Hirer can cancel the booking through the SmartPLAY website, My SmartPLAY app or Smart Self-service Station (3S) one day before the start of the booked session(s). The hire charges paid for the cancelled bookings or sessions not taken up will not be refunded. | |
(14) | If participants suspect that they are subjected to sexual harassment, they should inform the officer-in-charge of the activity / venue staff at once, and may call 2511 8211 to seek advice directly from the Equal Opportunities Commission. For the definition and conduct of sexual harassment, please visit the webpage of the Equal Opportunities Commission http:/ /www.eoc.org.hk. | |
(15) | No pets should be brought to the activity. |
Applicants can make use of the following channels to apply for 7-day advance booking of craft:
Non-Hong Kong residents holding valid travel documents wish to make enrolments through self-service channels (i.e. SmartPLAY website and Smart Self-service Station) for the recreation and sports programme, they must apply for registration as a temporary user of SmartPLAY in person at the SmartPLAY Services Centre.
Reallocation of bookings will only be arranged when the craft hirer has used the craft for less than half of the booked sessions and the Centre has to be temporarily closed due to the issue of tropical cyclone warning signal No.3 or above and unforeseen circumstances such as inclement weather. However, this alternative date should be within 15 days from the date of the original booking. No reallocation will be arranged if the craft hirer has used the craft for a duration of more than half of the session.
If the original booking falls the non-peak day, the reallocated session should be within the alternative non-peak day of the same venue. For peak days, reallocation is however allowed to be made in either peak or non-peak days. The craft hirer is entitled to refund of the difference in charges for reallocation of sessions.
If a mutually acceptable alternative date and time cannot be arranged, the craft hirer may apply for a full refund. Application of refund should be made within 30 days, inclusive of the day of the original booking.