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The Adventures of Siu2Fei1
Shu Ning Presentation Unit
  • No one can take away my DREAM without my permission!

    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a must-read for many teenagers. Here, the hero is portrayed as a physically challenged lad, who spends his days gazing out of the window. Although he cannot move, his spirit is just as rebellious and keen to bring about change as his more mobile peers. To realise his goals, Tom depends on his angry young friend, Siu Fei, masterminding a series of exploits from Robin Hood-like adventures to fighting assorted evils in the cause of social justice. As long as we harbour aspirations, there is always a way to realise them.

    Shu Ning specialises in connecting the younger generation with the arts. This show calls on acting, physical theatre, and song and dance to percolate experiences from the director's round-the-world travels and young people's limitless creativity into a compelling performance. Dare to be bold!

    • Music Theatre
    • Best for ages 12 and above
      (Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted)
    Personnel and Cast
    • Artistic Director / Director
      Hui Shu-ning
    • Music Director
      Day Tai
    • Choreographer
      Andy Wong
    • Workshop Instructor
      Rico Wu
    • Main Cast
      Desmond Pang, Regen C. and a group of passionate young talents
    Friendly Reminder
  • The Adventures of Siu2Fei1
    Shu Ning Presentation Unit

    Young actors wanted!

    If you are aged between 16 and 25, a little rebellious but with a sense of justice, a little stirred up about the state of the world but ready to strive for change, and know a little about acting, singing and dancing, why not join our stage crusade? Not only will you receive professional acting and dancing training, you will also be able to make your creative input and bring your own stories on stage in the form of Devising Theatre. Anyone can be Tom and Siu Fei!


    Workshops and Rehearsals

    • Date & Time
      5.6 – 24.7.2016
      (approx. 70 sessions)
    • Venue
    • Fee
    • Quota
    • Target *
      Passionate young talents of ages 16-25

    *Attention: Applicants must attend all the workshops, rehearsals and performances. Participants with attendance rate less than 90% in the workshops will not be allowed to take part in the finale performance.

    Application Procedures

    1. Please apply online or download application form, complete and return on or before 18.5.2016 (Wed).
    2. Shortlisted applicants will be informed by telephone and email for audition. Audition Date: 22.5.2016 (Sun)
    3. The audition result would be announced at the end of May.
    4. Successful applicants (hereinafter referred to as "Participants") please send a crossed cheque of $480 (payable to 'The Government of the HKSAR'), with the name and contact number of the participant written on the back, to the Festivals Office at Level 5, Administration Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong by 5 June 2016. Please specify "Participation of The Adventures of Siu2Fei1 Youth Music Theatre Workshop and performance" on the envelope.

    Notes to Applicants

    1. No refund will be made for participants who drop out of the workshops.
    2. The presenter reserves the right to amend the programme according to the number of application.
    3. Programmes are subject to change. Please refer to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department's announcements as final.
    4. The workshops will be conducted in Cantonese.


    Shu Ning Presentation Unit
    9707 4994 (WhatsApp) /

  • The Adventures of Siu2Fei1
    Shu Ning Presentation Unit
    Are you under the age of 18?
    是 Yes 否 No

    十八歲以下參加者須由家長/監護人填妥以下聲明表格,列印確認電郵,並於「家長 / 監護人聲明」欄目中簽署,將已簽署的確認電郵於5月18日(星期三)前傳真或電郵至樹寧・現在式單位,申請方為有效。
    For applicants under the age of 18, parents/ guardians should fill in the declaration form below. Print out and sign on the confirmation email. Send the signed confirmation email to Shu Ning Presentation Unit via fax or email by 18.5.2016 (Wed) to complete your application.

    • 傳真 Fax
      2371 4171
    • 電郵 Email
    • 查詢 Enquiry
      樹寧・現在式單位 Shu Ning Presentation Unit
      9707 4994

    Applicants are required to fill in all items. Please refer to “Notes to Applicants’ for details.

    Name (中文)
    Name (English)
    Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
    School Attending (If applicable)
    Class (If applicable)
    聯絡電話 (手提)
    Contact No. (Mobile)
    聯絡電話 (住所)
    Contact No. (Residential)
    請回答以下問題 Please answer the following questions:
    Have you received any theatre trainings or participated in any performances?
    Yes, please specify

    是否曾接受任何其他表演藝術之訓練 (如樂器、舞蹈等)?
    Have you received any trainings in other performing arts (e.g. musical instruments, dance, etc.)?
    Yes, please specify the area(s) or type(s)

    Will you travel away from Hong Kong between 5 June to 7 Aug 2016?
    是 Yes
    否 No
    驗証碼 Verify Code