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Voices First
Zense A Cappella
Five students prepare for their school’s annual music show: one loves street culture; another dreams of being an opera star; the third enjoys the sounds of nature; the fourth is an optimist; and the last prefers piano-playing to speech. When a thunderstorm delays the arrival of their musical instruments and cuts electricity to the school hall, the performers determine the show must go on... through a cappella singing. Meeting with acclaim on their unplanned debut, the quintet decides to explore the amazing range of the human voice further, learning along the way the joys of sharing the spotlight through harmony, co-operation, and above all, friendship.
Personnel and Cast
  • Producer
    Edison Hung
  • Creative Director
    Johnny Fung
  • Story and Original Playwright
    Jarita Wan
  • Arrangers
    Joseph Ho@Zense A Cappella
    Bryan Woo@Zense A Cappella
Touring Details
  • Art Form
    A Cappella Music Theatre
  • Target Audience
    Secondary Schools (F.1 - F.6)
  • Date
    Mid-May to Mid-July 2016
  • Duration
    45 minutes
  • Fee
    $1,200 per performance
  • Enquiries
    Edison Hung (6501 4342 /
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