City under the Moon: Dance Drama Tide of Era by China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater
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To the great eras, their go-getters and visionaries 

This dance drama has the forty years of opening up and reform of the country as its historical background. It tells the story of two generations of start-up entrepreneurs living in the Huangpu area of Guangdong Province. Spanning the four stages of opening up and reform: the initial phase, the 1990's, the first decade of the millennium, and contemporary times, it unfurls, like a picture scroll, forty years of social development and reform, the opportunities as well as challenges that start-up entrepreneurs face.  The dance drama portrays the lives of ordinary folks amidst epochal changes, and tells of the individual struggles and touching stories on their homeland.  It is a paean to the entrepreneurial spirit on the crux of an era of reform, an epic poem about catching up with lifechanging times.

The dance drama premiered in 2021 at the National Centre for the Performing Arts, helmed by Tong Ruirui, a National Class One Director, Tong applies innovative concepts in modern dance to break through physical boundaries of the dancers, expresses impactful emotions through bodily movements, and delivers the theme song about times of change in dance idioms.

As a realism-themed dance drama, the Tide of Era applies the innovative concepts of contemporary dance, the unique choreography of dance segments in the beginning of some acts, with tidal wave-like group dances in different but progressive rhythms, projects the tremendous power of the tides of times. Meanwhile, the stage design formed by lines and surfaces as the major means of visual expression. The skilled use of multimedia and lighting created a multi-layered, dynamic visual space, presenting a contemporary, tech-savvy and futuristic sense of the dance drama.

This is a programme of the "Chinese Performing Arts Hong Kong Season" Series, with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the advisory units.


The running of each performance is approximately 2 hours 10 minutes including an intermission of 15 minutes.

Audience is strongly advised to arrive punctually. Latecomers and audiences who leave their seats during the performance will only be admitted at a suitable break. 


The presenter reserves the right to change the programme and substitute artists.

The China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater is the largest state-level arts institution with the longest history directly affiliated to the central government and has the broadest coverage of performing art forms. Its history dates back to Yan'an Lu Xun College of Art. The troupe was founded in 1964 with the approval of the State Council.

For more than half a century, the troupe has created and staged over a hundred opera and dance drama productions, with notable works such as operas White Haired Girl, A Peasant Takes a Wife, Regret for the Past, The Wilderness and Red River Valley, and dance dramas The Magic Lotus Lantern, The Dancing Girl of Tongque, Confucius, When We Were Young and Chinese Orphan. It has toured many countries for exchange and performances, with footprints covering Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australasia. It has therefore contributed to international cultural exchange and enhanced goodwill between China and countries of the world.

The China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater has won popular acclaim at home and abroad through quality stage productions that have become classics, consummate artistry and talented cast and crew.

23.09.2023 (Sat)
24.09.2023 (Sun)
Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
$380, $300, $240, $180
23.09.2023 (Sat)
24.09.2023 (Sun)
$380, $300, $240, $180

Tickets available from 15th August at all URBTIX outlets, self-service ticketing kiosks, on internet, by mobile app and telephone.


Half-price tickets available for senior citizens aged 60 and above, people with disabilities and the minder, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients. (Limited tickets for CSSA recipients available on a first-come, first-served basis.)


Group Booking Discount

10% off for each purchase of 4-9 standard tickets; 15% off for 10-19 standard tickets; 20% off for 20 or more standard tickets.


Programme Enquiries 2268 7323

Ticketing Enquiries and Customer Service 3166 1100

Telephone Booking 3166 1288

Internet Booking

Mobile App URBTIX


Producer: Zhuge Yannan

Chief Director: Tong Ruirui

Dance Director: Xu Ning

Playwright: Tang Ling 

Composer: Guo Sida

Chief Set and Lighting Design: Ren Dongsheng

Executive Director: He Tao, Li Hongjun

Director: Tang Shiyi, Qu jicheng

Set Designer: Wang Lifeng

Costume Designer: Zhong Jiani

Multimedia Designer: Hu Tianji

Make Up Designer: Sun Aina

Sound Designer: Gu Lei, Wang Daiwei

Props Designer: Liu Min, Ding Hanwei

Costume Supervisor: Li Yudu, Zhang Shuai



Starring: (in no particular order)
Pan Yongchao, Feng Shiyang, Zhu Yin, Guo Yiming, Li Zhaolun, Yang Yi, Yang Zheng, Li Yiran, Peng Zhiqi, Chen Bingrui, She Weiliang

Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
  • date23.09.2023 (Sat) 19:30
  • date24.09.2023 (Sun) 14:30
  • price$380, $300, $240, $180
House Programme
23.09.2023 (Sat)
24.09.2023 (Sun)
Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
$380, $300, $240, $180
23.09.2023 (Sat)
24.09.2023 (Sun)
$380, $300, $240, $180