Mar 2022

Free Viewing

Online Programme


Musical Legacies of Hong Kong Revisited 【Online Programme】

ProgrammeEpisode 1: Chaozhou Music (Part I)Episode 2: Chaozhou Music (Part II)Episode 3: Fishermen’s LamentsEpisode 4: Taoist Music of the Zhengyi School (Part I)Episode 5: Taoist Music of the Zhengyi School (Part II)Episode 6: Hakka Folk SongEpisode 7: Nanyin (Part I)Episode 8: Nanyin (Part II)

The five performing art forms included in the first Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory of Hong Kong are Chaozhou Music, Fishermen’s Laments, Taoist Music of the Zhengyi School, Hakka Folk Song, and Nanyin.  Their esoteric features will be systematically presented in eight episodes of the concert series entitled Musical Legacies of Hong Kong Revisited, hosted by Professor Christopher Pak, Head of Academic Studies in Music of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and Chan Chi-chun, Executive Director of The Centre for Chinese Music Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.  They will guide the audience in the appreciation of the cultural implications and uniqueness of these regional music genres as intangible cultural heritage of Hong Kong.  Virtuosi on the local music scene will be invited to perform at the sessions for enhanced understanding of their appeal.


Theme of each episode:

Episode 1 & 2: Chaozhou Music

Episode 3: Fishermen’s Laments

Episodes 4 & 5: Taoist Music of the Zhengyi School 

Episodes 6: Hakka Folk Song

Episodes 7 & 8: Nanyin


Conducted in Cantonese.

The programme does not represent the views of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.  The presenter reserves the right to vary the broadcast time of the programme.

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(8 episodes in total)
Online Programme
Free Viewing
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(8 episodes in total)
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Free Viewing