Aug 2022


Sep 2022



Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Museum of Art

Sep 2022


Oct 2022



Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum


Baroque Music Lecture Series: Bach & Beyond

ProgrammeAbout the SpeakerTicketing


Comprising eight interesting and educational lectures hosted by local music critic William Ting and his guests, the lecture will discuss Bach’s music style and characteristics as well as the correlation between his music and different art works from or beyond the Baroque era.

(Conducted in Cantonese)


Lecture Topic

13.8 (Sat) Polyphony: Bach's Music and Baroque Architecture

To explore the main characters of Bach's compositions as well as the correlation between music and Baroque architecture.


20.8 (Sat) Code: Behind Notes

To understand the psyche of Bach by deciphering the secret codes and hidden messages behind his music.


27.8 (Sat) Fugue: Music and Painting

An introduction to fugue, and how painters present a fugue in various visual techniques as Bach has done in music.


3.9 (Sat) Canon: When Art Meets Science

To find common elements in music, visual arts and mathematical logic by going through a book entitled "Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid".


7.9 (Wed) Equal temperament: Tune the Tone (Guest speaker: Cheng Kwok-kuen)

To offer a brief history of music tuning, including the interesting stories about equal temperament.


21.9 (Wed) 1685: Bach, Handel and Scarlatti

To understand the variety of Baroque music by introducing three influential composers of the same age but had very different musical characters.


5.10 (Wed) Counterpoint: Music, Literature and Movies

To explore how Bach's music and compositional techniques are applied to Hollywood movies and classic modern novels.


19.10 (Wed) Style: Interpretations of 'Goldberg Variations' (Guest speaker: Chung Chi-woo)

Taking the "Goldberg Variations" as an example to discuss how to appreciate and judge musical interpretations.



Each lecture will run for about 1 hour 30 minutes.

The programme does not represent the views of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. 

The presenter reserves the right to change the programmes and substitute speaker.

location DATE
location VENUE
location PRICE
13.08.2022 - 03.09.2022
(Sat, 3pm)
Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Museum of Art
07.09.2022 - 19.10.2022
(Wed, 7:30pm)
Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum
location DATE
13.08.2022 - 03.09.2022
(Sat, 3pm)
location PRICE
location DATE
07.09.2022 - 19.10.2022
(Wed, 7:30pm)
location PRICE