Environmental Efforts
In support of the Government's environmental objectives, we have taken into account environmental considerations from project inception to management/operation to minimise pollution, conserve resources, protect the natural environment and promote the appreciation of the beauty of our environment.
In meeting our goal, we are committed to:
promoting greening and horticulture;
preserving assets of our heritage;
providing aesthetically pleasing open spaces;
practising waste reduction and energy saving; and
minimising air and noise pollution in organising leisure and cultural activities.
We are mindful of these environmental objectives when planning new facilities and maintaining existing facilities. Energy-saving building services installations and environmentally friendly materials are considered. High-efficiency lighting systems (fluorescent tubes with electronic ballasts, motion sensors and optical fibres) are used to achieve energy savings as far as possible. The operating hours of venue lightings are rationalised where appropriate to reduce electricity consumption. Furthermore, we are committed to maintaining the 25.5°C office room temperature target set by the Government for the summer months. Where, for essential operational reasons and customer service purposes, deviation from the office room temperature standard is necessary in certain areas of specific venues such as museums, sports centres and performing arts venues, we work closely with the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) to monitor the situation and adjust the room temperature to as close to 25.5°C as is possible and appropriate.
Other major environmental efforts include:
upgrading existing landscape areas, and planting more trees and shrubs;
launching school and community activities, such as the Greening School Subsidy Scheme, Hong Kong Flower Show, Community Planting Day and Green Volunteer Scheme;
An intimate, elegant garden display by the Eastern District staff in the LCSD Western Style Garden Plot Competition of the Hong Kong Flower Show. |
organising educational programmes to promote heritage preservation among the public;
achieving water saving by planting drought-tolerant species at suitable locations and using less water for water features in major parks;
using ozone sterilisation or electro-chlorination systems which are more environmentally friendly sterilising agents in swimming pools;
carrying out energy audits and energy-saving improvement work where practicable, in collaboration with the EMSD and the Architectural Services Department;
Departmental staff members visit the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department to exchange views on energy-saving measures. |
reviewing with the EMSD lighting and air-conditioning zones of a number of our leisure venues and our Headquarters Building with the aim to reduce energy consumption;
using green products and promoting the use of recycled paper;
engaging contractors to recycle old books, magazines, newspapers, waste paper and printer cartridges;
organising the Book Donation and Sale Campaign;
using waste separation bins at venues for the recovery of waste paper, aluminium cans and plastic bottles;
installation of diesel oxidation catalysts on all Euro I and II emission standard diesel vehicles of our fleet;
widely promoting good practices and publicising green tips in our offices and venues; and
encouraging staff to wear smart casual dress in a manner appropriate to the surroundings and occasions in summer months to complement the energy-saving conservation policy of the Government.
Staff members are encouraged to 'dress down' in summer in line with the energy-saving policy of the Government. |
In addition, environment-related policies are reviewed through the Departmental Committee on Environmental Efforts. The committee also assists in coordinating practices and monitoring their implementation throughout the Department. In November 2006, the sixth environmental report was issued and covers in detail the activities of the Department in this area.
The Environmental Report covers the environment-related policies and practices of the Department. |
The Task Force on Green Management Practice operates under the Departmental Committee on Environmental Efforts. It develops green management practices; seeks the endorsement of senior management of such practices and promotes the practices within the Department; monitors the implementation and reviews the effectiveness of green management practices; and makes any relevant recommendations to senior management.