Public Relations and Publicity

The Information and Public Relations Section (IPRS) plays an instrumental role in the dissemination of information and the promotion of the Department's services, facilities and programmes. To facilitate media coverage and to increase the transparency of the work of the Department, the IPRS issued 2 172 press releases, arranged 139 press visits, and hosted 89 press conferences and media briefings in 2006.

IPRS staff members hold a press briefing on the clearance efforts of fallen trees in Ap Lei Chau.

The IPRS is responsible for the planning and implementation of the Department's promotional/educational campaigns, and serves as the executive agent and co-ordinator for events advertising. For example, in an endeavour to drive home the message, the 'Keep Swimming Pools Clean' campaign featuring the much-loved-by-children 'McDull' cartoon piglet was successfully launched in 2006. The IPRS also provides creative and photographic service support in the production of various publications and publicity materials such as posters, outdoor displays, exhibitions and television and radio announcements/commercials.

Major publications include an e-version Annual Report that outlines the Department's functions and development, a bi-monthly staff bulletin to enhance internal relations among the Department's 8 900 staff members and a magazine to promote community sports participation and cultivate a sense of belonging among Community Sports Clubs.

To reach out to the ever-increasing Internet population, the Department maintains an informative website at which the public can gain firsthand information about the Department's services and facilities, leisure and cultural programmes, publications, application forms and tender notices. With a total of 236 117 323 page views in 2006, the website ranks fourth among all government websites. Weekly highlights of major activities in the form of an e-magazine are directly mailed to subscribers, the number of which had grown to 193 500 by the end of the year.

In the event of emergencies such as typhoons, officers of the IPRS are deployed to staff the Emergency Information Centre to issue announcements to keep the public informed of the status of LCSD programmes and activities.

2007| Important notices| Privacy policy
Last revision date: 18 October, 2016