Music Office

The Music Office promotes general music education in the community, especially for young people to help them develop an interest in and appreciation of music, and fosters music sharing between local youths and their counterparts from all over the world. Services provided in 2006 included an instrumental music training scheme for 4 800 trainees; 18 youth orchestras, bands and choirs for 1 400 members; short-term music interest courses for 2 000 participants; and about 400 music activities for more than 180 000 people.

The Music Office collaborates with the Eastern District Office in a mini-concert to promote appreciation of music at the community level.

Other events that were organised included a music camp, youth music interflows and music exchange programmes with young musicians from Mainland China and overseas. On an international level, in addition to organising the Guangdong and Macao Tour of the Hong Kong Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Music Office also provided assistance to youth music groups from Japan, the United States, Singapore and Mainland China in arranging exchange activities during their visits to Hong Kong.

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Last revision date: 18 October, 2016