Film and Video Programmes The Film Programmes Office focuses on the cultivation and promotion of film culture in Hong Kong. In 2006, the Office organised a variety of film and video programmes and workshops and seminars which were very well received. The programmes enabled local audiences to appreciate cinematic arts from all over the world and to experience diverse cultural activities. Highlights of the year included the International Children's Film Carnival, a Retrospective of Mainland-Hong Kong Co-productions of the 80s and 90s, the Microwave International New Media Arts Festival, the 35th French Cinepanorama and three Repertory Cinema series featuring the New German Cinema of the 60s and world classics by Bernardo Bertolucci and Terayama Shuji. Other thematic programmes included The Glorious Modernity of Kong Ngee, Perpetual Transition: The Cinema of Chor Yuen, Frame After Frame: A Retrospective of Hong Kong Animation, The Sword and the Sabre: A Jin Yong Novel on Film, A Tribute to Lan Chi Pak, Backstage Musical: Cantonese Opera Style, More Than a Villain — Sek Kin and Moving Spaces.
To support major local film events, venue and ticketing sponsorship was provided for the annual Hong Kong International Film Festival and the Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony. Funding support was also given to the Hong Kong Arts Centre for the annual Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video Awards to encourage creative independent productions by young film and video makers. |