Arts Education and Audience Building Programmes

To cultivate cultural literacy at the school and community levels, the Department organised 1 143 arts education and audience building activities on a territory-wide basis in 2009-10, with more than 328 000 people participating throughout the year.

In Schools

Various arts education programmes are also regularly organised at the school level to encourage students to develop an interest in the arts and to foster cultural literacy in their early years.

The Department collaborates with local performing groups that are experienced in arts education to implement in-depth arts education projects under the School Arts Animateur Scheme. After attending a series of workshops that last from a few months to an entire academic year, participating students practise what they have learnt by taking part in finale performances. In 2009-10, 13 projects comprising dance, multi-media theatre, musicals, drama, music and Chinese opera were presented with the participation of the Unlock Dancing Plaza, the Chung Ying Theatre Company, the City Contemporary Dance Company, the Hong Kong Composers' Guild, the Hong Kong Ballet, the Hong Kong 3 Arts Musical Institute, DanceArt Hong Kong, Prospects Theatre, Exploration Theatre, Theatre Space, the Shu Ning Presentation Unit, the Class 7A Drama Group and the Kim Sum Cantonese Opera Association. To enhance students' civic awareness and boost the efficacy of arts education, the LCSD collaborated with some of the arts groups and schools participating in the Scheme to organise 'Students' Performances for the Community' at a number of voluntary organisations such as hospitals and elderly centres in their school neighbourhoods, thereby offering students additional performance opportunities and nurturing their sense of caring for others.

The School Culture Day Scheme encourages primary, secondary and special schools to bring students to the Department's various performance venues, museums and libraries during school hours to participate in cultural activities that are specially designed for them. This well-received Scheme provides opportunities for the integration of arts, history and science into the learning process and into students' everyday lives. To tie in with the launch of the Arts Experience Scheme for Senior Secondary Students, the performing arts programmes under the School Culture Day Scheme were realigned in 2009-10 to target students currently receiving Primary One to Secondary Form Three education.

  Primary school students participating in the Fantasy World of the French Painter, Rousseau, a puppet performance cum workshop held under the auspices of the 2009-10 School Culture Day Scheme.

To tie in with the implementation of the New Senior Secondary Curriculum in the 2009-10 academic year, the Arts Experience Scheme for Senior Secondary Students, which offers tailor-made programmes with added interactive and educational elements, was fully launched. This Scheme offered 15 programmes comprising dance, drama, music, Chinese opera and multi-media arts. Participating artists/arts groups included Theatre Fanatico, the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre,
En Chordais Ensemble (Greece), Nancy Loo, the Hong Kong Ballet, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, the City Contemporary Dance Company, the Chung Ying Theatre Company, the Shu Ning Presentation Unit, the Hong Kong Dance Company,
Y-Space, Yuen Siu-fai, Sun Kim-long, Theatre du Pif and the Hong Kong Theatre Works Company.

  Secondary school students attending a post-performance workshop entitled Individual Witness 2 ----- The Curious Case of Sanzang by Theatre Fanatico.

In the Community

Audience building programmes at the community level included the Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme, the District Cantonese Opera Parade, and projects organised in co-operation with district and non-government cultural organisations.

Outreach activities under the auspices of the Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme are designed to make the arts more accessible to the community, with participating artists performing in public spaces such as parks, shopping malls, community centres and voluntary organisations. Twenty-two arts groups/artists took part in the Scheme in 2009-10.

The District Cantonese Opera Parade promotes Cantonese opera and presents budding and amateur Cantonese opera troupes with opportunities to perform full-length repertoires at regional/district venues. To further arouse the interest of the general public, especially children, in Cantonese opera, the Department organised 'Let's Enjoy Cantonese Opera in Bamboo Theatre' performances in bamboo theatres in three districts in collaboration with district organisations from March to April 2009 on a trial basis. These performances featured Cantonese opera with interactive/educational activities tailored for children.

  Under the Let's Enjoy Cantonese Opera at Bamboo Theatre Scheme, the Audience Building Office and district groups co-organised free Cantonese opera presentations for students in the bamboo theatre at Ho Sheung Heung in Sheung Shui.

To support the development of dance in the community, the Department collaborated with the City Contemporary Dance Company to present 'Dancing YouthTwo Cities ----- HKGZ' in 2009-10, a programme that provided training for young dance enthusiasts in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, as well as an opportunity for them to perform at various outdoor venues in the two cities, fostering cultural exchange.