Environmental Efforts
In line with the Government's environmental goals, the department aims to perform its core activities in a manner that minimises pollution, conserves resources, protects the natural environment and heritage, and promotes the appreciation of the beauty of our environment.
To minimise pollution and conserve resources, the department has taken measures such as gradually replacing conventional departmental vehicles with environmentally-friendly vehicles, adopting energy-saving building service installations, and using high-efficiency lighting systems and renewable energy as far as possible. Wherever feasible, we also minimise the use of energy for lighting and cooling at our offices and venues by taking advantage of natural light, shortening pre-cooling hours, separating the lighting and air-conditioning controls in different zones and areas, and installing occupancy sensors.
Unless needed for operational reasons or for safety and security, we generally switch off the lighting overnight for outer walls or outside areas of our venues. Other energy-saving measures specific to the operational characteristics or environments of some venues are also implemented. For example, photovoltaic lighting systems have been installed at some museums to convert solar energy into electricity, and the lighting at some parks and playgrounds is controlled by astronomical time switches that switch it on and off according to sunset and sunrise times. Some parks and playgrounds are also fitted with remote control devices that control the lighting in inclement weather. In summer, we generally maintain the Government's recommended office room temperature of 25.5°C. At places such as museums, sports centres and performing arts venues where this temperature cannot be maintained for operational or customer service reasons, we work to keep the temperature as close to 25.5°C as practicable.
We have also conducted energy audits and energy-saving improvement works where practicable in collaboration with the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department and the Architectural Services Department. In March, the department also took part in the Earth Hour 2018 lights-off campaign organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature to support and promote energy conservation.
To conserve water, we stepped up site inspections of irrigation systems to minimise the risk of water leakages. We have also continued to use spray nozzles for irrigation to reduce water loss from the soil surface, planted drought-tolerant species in suitable locations, kept the use of water for water features in major parks to a minimum, and installed water efficient fittings and salt water flushing at various facilities.
We conduct an annual performance review to monitor how effectively different sections and offices are adopting green measures and waste reduction practices. In March 2018, the department issued its 17th Environmental Report, laying out its green management policies, practices and initiatives in detail.