2021 Mid-Autumn Lantern Decorations
Energy-saving Lighting Installation - The Other Side of the Moon
Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza
10.9 – 3.10.2021 (Fri – Sun)
6:30pm - 11pm*
*Lighting-up time will be extended to 12 midnight on 21.9
We are under the same milky way, even on the far side of the moon.
When our technological advancement nowadays allows you to shop and play, upload and download, any time anywhere, why not give them a call now?
🙉:It looks very dimmed.....
🐰:Our city is too bright at night. Try to switch off your phone, let your retina relax, then you can enjoy better your surrounding.
🙈:Why not adding more lamps to the installation!
🐰:Hong Kong's night scene is filled with bright light. Instead of using lamps, a lighting installation can reflect, deflect and filter its surrounding to create different atmosphere. Without the excessive light, people can chill out around the pool. One more thing, this installation is designed to be so energy efficient that, it may use much lesser electricity than your home~
🙊:What if I can't take a good #selfie?
🐰:In fact, without the bright contrast, you can take both the installation and yourself in one good shot together.
🐵:hmmm... somehow I have seen this somewhere online before....
🐰:You are right! There is another set of installation exhibiting in Japan now, feel free to visit virtually here❤️
🐵: How about those carrots?
🐰: We have to thank the workers at Sik Sik Yuen. They saved the bottles for us in the past two years, whenever they rehydrated during temple preservation work under the hot summer sun. Surely, there are some other organisations that helped to collect the used bottles.
Dylan Kwok (Video)
Design and Production:
Allan Au
Carrol Ho
Ivan Lai
Ton Pau Lai
Hui Yee Ping
Gerry Ip
Bianca Lee
Kathy Wong
Maximillian Cheng
Sik Sik Yuen
To safeguard public health and safety, the following arrangements and precautionary measures are implemented:
To avoid over-crowding on the Mid-Autumn day, visitors are advised to schedule their visit on other dates of the display period.
The content of the programmes does not represent the views of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
Programmes are subject to change without prior notice.