Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School and other Organisation Guided Visits Programme


Guided Visits to the Green Education and Resource Centre

Guided Visits to the Green Education and Resource Centre

(A) Purpose : To provide an opportunity for participants to know more about the greening through exhibitions and talks by special guides so that pupils may realize the importance of greening.
(B) Highlights : Guided visit on content of the exhibition and green activities/talks will be provided for pupils. “Indoor Ornamental Plants” is the main theme of this year. The Content of the exhibition will be changed periodically.
(C) Target Participants : Schools (kindergartens, primary and secondary schools) and organizations
(D) Duration : 1 hour and 15 minutes
(E) Venue Address : 1/F., Kowloon Park Management Office,
22 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
(F) Gathering Place : The Arcade


Docent Language



(H) Visit Schedule : Please refer to Annex 1
(I) Guidelines : Please refer to Annex 2
(J) Application Form : Please refer to Annex 3
(K) Application Method : Applications for the above activities will be accepted from 2 September 2024 onwards. Schools and organizations interested in these activities can apply by completing the Applications Form at Annex 3 and submit the forms by fax, email  or by post. Due to limited places, applications will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis. (We will accept applications by fax, email or by post commencing at 9:00 am on 2 September 2024. Applications by fax, email or by post received before 2 September 2024 will not be entertained.)
(L) Any enquiries or request for cancellation of visits should be made to the Zoological and Horticultural Education Unit of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department at 2723 6767/ 2723 5985.

