Primary School and other Organisation Guided Visits Programmes


Guided Visits to Kowloon Park

Guided Visits to Kowloon Park

(A) Purposes : To provide opportunities for pupils to know more about the structure of plants, simple plant classification, plant growth and reproduction, the relationship between plants and the environment and the concept of environmental protection through field observation and explanation by special guides.
(B) Highlights : Pupils will be guided to see Banyan trees and plants around the Bird Lake and the Chinese Garden. They will get a better understanding of the structure of plants, their important roles in the ecosystem and the characteristics of trees, shrubs and annuals. Besides, they have the chance to visit the “Tree Walk at Kowloon Park” to admire and know more about the common flowering tree species in Hong Kong.
(C) Target Participants : P.1 to P.6 pupils and organizations
(D) Duration : 1 hour and 15 minutes
(E) Address of Venue : 22 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
(F) Meeting Place : The Arcade
(G) Docent Language : Cantonese
(H) Visit Schedule : Please refer to Annex 1
(I) Guidelines : Please refer to Annex 2
(J) Application Form : Please refer to Annex 3
(K) Application Method : Applications for the above activities will be accepted from 2 September 2024 onwards. Primary schools and organisations interested in these activities can apply by completing the Application Form at Annex 3 and submit the forms by fax, email or by post. Due to limited places, applications will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis. (We will accept applications by fax, email or by post commencing at 9:00 am on 2 September 2024. Applications by fax, email or by post received before 2 September 2024 will not be entertained.)
(L) Any enquiries or request for cancellation of visits should be made to the Zoo and Horticulture Education Unit of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department at 2723 6767 / 2723 5985.

