Kindergarten Outdoor Learning Activities – Guided Visit to the Forsgate Conservatory of Hong Kong Park



This activity aims to provide an opportunity for young pupils to know more about the growth of plants through field observation and explanation by the guide, and to enhance their awareness of taking good care of plants and conservation of environment.

Guided Visit to the Hong Kong Park Conservatory

Guided Visit to the Forsgate Conservatory of Hong Kong Park 
“2024-25 Kindergarten Outdoor Learning Activities – Applications for the above activities will be accepted from 2 September 2024 onwards. Kindergarten interested in these activities can apply by completing the Application Form and submit the forms by fax, email or by post. Due to limited places, applications will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis. (We will accept applications by fax, email or by post commencing at 9:00 am on 2 September 2024. Applications by fax, email or by post received before 2 September 2024 will not be entertained.)

Application form can be submitted by fax, email or post:

Fax No.: 2537 4169
Address: Forsgate Conservatory of Hong Kong Park
19 Cotton Tree Drive
Central, Hong Kong
Enquiries: 2521 5041