--Enrolment method--
Organisations interested in participating in the Games may make online enrolment through the LCSD website before 12:00 midnight on 15 March 2010 (Monday), or download the enrolment form from the LCSD website and return the completed enrolment form to the Major Events Section of the LCSD by mail or fax.
--Deadline for the first round of enrolment--
Organisations applying after the deadline for the first round of enrolment on 15 March 2010 (Monday) will be put on the waiting list. If there are still places available on the ballot date for the first round of enrolment or after the payment deadline for the first round of enrolment, we will inform the organisations of the payment arrangements according to their order on the waiting list.
*After the deadline for the first round of enrolment, only enrolment through mail or fax will be accepted.
--Ballot for the first round of enrolment--
In case of oversubscription, the list of participating organisations will be decided by ballot. However, if the champion of last year』s event enrols in the event again, it will be accepted automatically. The ballot date for the first round of enrolment will be held at 11 am on 18 March (Thursday) at the Audio-Visual Room, 1/F, Leisure and Cultural Services Headquarters. Representatives of organisations are welcome to attend. Successful organisations will be notified of the payment arrangements by mail.
--Deadline for the second round of enrolment--
After the deadline for the first round of enrolment and the whole waiting list has been exhausted, if there are places remaining in certain events, we will continue to accept enrolment until the deadline for paying the entry fees of that particular event (please refer to the prospectus of the respective event for the exact date). |