The HKSAR Delegation to the 12th National Games of the PRC - The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Brand Hong Kong - Asia's World City
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The HKSAR Delegation to the 12th National Games of the People's Republic of China *
Introduction to the 12th National Games
Introduction to the HKSAR Delegation
Name List of HKSAR Athletes in the Final Round
Competition Schedule & Achievement Report of HKSAR AthletesLatest Result
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The HKSAR DElegation to the 11th National Games of the PRC
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It is with the strong support of the whole community that the HKSAR athletes can participate in the 12th NG. We would like to express our sincere acknowledgements to the following companies /organisations which have generously sponsored the HKSAR Delegation's participation in the Games.





Hong Kong Sports Institute




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Last revision date: 27 August, 2024