The 7th National Intercity Games (NIG) concluded on October 25 after ten days of competitions. Hong Kong athletes won a total of six medals - two gold, two silver and two bronze at the Games, the best results the city ever achieved since it first took part in the Games in 1999.
To celebrate the triumphant return of the Hong Kong athletes, the Government held a welcome home ceremony at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui this evening (November 3).
Officiating at the ceremony, the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing, described this year's Games as highly competitive. Young athletes from each participating city were of high calibre, including elite athletes striving to achieve their qualifications for the London 2012 Olympic Games, with the result that the 7th NIG were very tough.
Considering that many talented Mainland athletes participated in the Games, Mr Tsang said he was delighted to learn that Hong Kong athletes were able to win two gold, two silver and two bronze medals in cycling, badminton, athletics, tennis and fencing. Hong Kong athletes' results were very encouraging and set a new record for its participation in the NIG. It shows that the skills of local young athletes are continuously improving and that the Government's efforts in promoting sports development are yielding results, he said.
He added that the Government will continue to support the long-term development of local young athletes and nurture sporting talent for the future of Hong Kong's sports development.
Other officiating guests at the ceremony this evening included the President of the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, and Chairman of the Organising Committee of the HKSAR Delegation (OC), Mr Timothy Fok; Vice Chairman of the OC and Chairman of the Executive Committee under the OC, Professor Frank Fu; and the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services and Vice Chairman of the OC, Mrs Betty Fung.
At the ceremony, Hong Kong athletes who finished among the top eight at the Games and those who won medals were presented with certificates of appreciation by the officiating guests to commend their excellent performance. Details of Hong Kong medallists at the 7th NIG are shown in the attachment.
Held once every four years, the NIG aims to promote sports development among cities in the Mainland and to identify young sporting talent. The participating athletes are mostly below the age of 21. The NIG this year was held in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province from October 16 to 25. More than 13 000 athletes from 57 cities competed in 25 sporting events.
The HKSAR Government sent 217 Hong Kong athletes to compete in the 18 final-round events of the Games - swimming, archery, athletics, badminton, basketball, boxing, canoeing, fencing, gymnastics, judo, table tennis, taekwondo, tennis, wushu taolu, cycling, women's handball, windsurfing and volleyball. Of these, it was the first time that Hong Kong athletes participated in women's handball, basketball, boxing and archery at the NIG.
Ends/Tuesday, November 3, 2011
The welcome home ceremony for the HKSAR Delegation to the 7th National Intercity Games was held today (November 3). Picture shows the officiating guests posing with the Hong Kong athletes participating in the Games. |
HKSAR Delegation winning medals in the 7th NIG  |
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