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Leisure and Cultural Services Department - Hong Kong Flower Show 2014
Brand Hong Kong - Asia's World City
GovHK 香港政府一站通
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Monday HKT 07:04
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Hong Kong Flower Show 2014
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Performance and Floral Art Demonstrations

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Opening Ceremony - Dance Performance

Opening Ceremony -
Dance Performance

Opening Ceremony - Dance Performance

Opening Ceremony -
Dance Performance

Dance Performance -
			Hong Kong International Hula Association

Dance Performance -
Hong Kong International
Hula Association

Floral Art Performance"Happy Creative" - Ms. Rebecca CHAN and Ms. Nancy CHUENG Ikebana International(Hong Kong Chapter)

Floral Art Performance
"Happy Creative" -
Ms. Rebecca CHAN and
Ms. Nancy CHUENG
Ikebana International
(Hong Kong Chapter)

Cultural Performance - The Philippine Cultural Academy

Cultural Performance -
The Philippine Cultural

Floral Art Performance"Bridal Bouquet & Flower Show" - The Hong Kong Professor Association of American Floral Art School

Floral Art Performance
"Bridal Bouquet &
Flower Show" -
The Hong Kong Professor
Association of American
Floral Art School

Dance Performance - St. Clare'a Girls' School

Dance Performance -
St. Clare'a Girls' School

Rope Skipping Preformance - HK & Kowloon Kaifong Women's Association Sun Fong Chung Primary School

Rope Skipping Preformance
- HK & Kowloon Kaifong
Women's Association
Sun Fong Chung
Primary School

Floral Art Demonstration "Home Blossoms" - Ms. Tonie YUEN (Tonie Yuen Professional Floristry Program)

Floral Art Demonstration
"Home Blossoms" -
Ms. Tonie YUEN
(Tonie Yuen Professional
Floristry Program)

Floral Art Demonatration "Sogetsu Ikebana" - Mr. Ken Katayama (Hong Kong Branch if the Sogetau Teacher's Association

Floral Art Demonatration
"Sogetsu Ikebana" -
Mr. Ken Katayama
(Hong Kong Branch of
the Sogetau Teacher's

Floral Art Demonstration “Home Is Where The Heart Is” – Dr. Solomon LEONG (Hong Kong Flower Club)

Floral Art Demonstration
“Home Is Where The Heart
Is” – Dr. Solomon LEONG
(Hong Kong Flower Club)

Music Performance - The Hong Kong Children's Choir

Music Performance -
The Hong Kong
Children's Choir

Marching Band Performance - Ho Ngai College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)

Marching Band
Performance - Ho Ngai
College (Sponsored by
Sik Sik Yuen)

Cultural Performance - Indonesian Consulate's Cultural Group

Cultural Performance -
Indonesian Consulate's
Cultural Group

Artistic Gymnastic Performance - Hong Kong Rhythmic Gymnastics Association

Artistic Gymnastic
Performance - Hong Kong
Rhythmic Gymnastics

Electric Cooking - HK Electric's Home Management Centre

Electric Cooking -
HK Electric's Home
Management Centre