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Leisure and Cultural Services Department - Hong Kong Flower Show 2014
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2013 Commercial Stalls Auction

Commercial Stalls

The auction of Hong Kong Flower Show 2014 commercial stalls was conducted smoothly on December 4, 2013 at the Lockhart Road Sports Centre in Wan Chai, bringing in a revenue of $1,848,760.

Organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the 10-day Hong Kong Flower Show 2014 will be held from March 7 to 16 at Victoria Park. For the flower show, the 52 commercial stalls include 41 goods stalls, 6 fast food stalls, 4 dry food stalls and one book stall.

52 commercial stalls were let, bringing in total revenue of 1,848,760 and details are as follows:

Goods stall (5m x 5m): 41
Upset price: $19,760
Bid prices: ranging from $21,000 to $33,400
Average price: $23,634

Fast food stall (5m x 10m): 4
Upset price: $26,340
Bid prices: $26,340
Average price: $26,340

Fast food stall with a subsidiary stall (5m x 10m and 5m x 5m): 2
Upset price: $47,540
Bid prices: $90,800
Average price: $90,800

Dry food stall (5m x 5m): 4
Upset price: $15,840
Bid prices: ranging from $138,000 to $150,000
Average price: $144,750

Book stall (5m x 10m): 1
Upset price: $13,460
Bid prices: $13,800