What’s New


Press Conference of the International Arts Carnival 2015

1. Prime Production performed an excerpt of the musical “2047”, one of the IAC School Touring Programmes

2. Ms. Betty Au, Senior Manager (Festivals), chatted with emcee Lily Poon to introduce the wonderful programmes at IAC 2015

3. Guests were watching the promotional trailer of IAC programmes

4. Little Smudges Theatre demonstrated the lovely puppets of This is Grandpa’s Store

5. Harry and his buddies bring the audience an interactive adventure with magic in My Moon Story

6. What if Charlie Chaplin comes to the world full of colors? The Theatre Wonderland creates an imaginative musical The Breakthrough of Charlie

7. What attracted the students to stay and appreciate? It is the exciting IAC programmes preview!

8. Cheers! IAC 2015!

Press Release