To maintain personal hygiene, keep public places clean and prevent germs that may be carried by birds, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) urges the public not to feed birds at the venues under its management or contact wild birds or their droppings.
Under section 9A(1) of the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap. 170), a person who feeds wild animals or pigeons in public pleasure grounds commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a maximum fine at level 6 ($100,000) and to imprisonment for 1 year.
Also, under section 11 of the Pleasure Grounds Regulations (Cap. 132), no one shall in any pleasure ground feed or attempt to feed birds kept in the venue. Any person who contravenes this section is liable on conviction to a maximum fine at level 1 ($2,000) and to 14 days' imprisonment.