18dART - Tai Po

18dArt - Tai Po18dArt - Tai Po


Wherefore Tai Po,Story hunt in alleys and Lanes
To collect unique stories from Tai Po residents, record their stories through shadow puppetry, storytelling, photographs and pictures, and share with residents in the district.

Arts Group: Fantasy Puppet Theatre

Stories Crossing @Tai Po
The project aims to promote and nurture appreciation of interactive storytelling and applied theatre in the community. A series of workshops, performances and sharing sessions about applied theatre will be organised to Tai Po residents.

Artistic Director : Dr Au Yi-man
Arts Group: Hong Kong Drama/Theatre and Education Forum

Community Cultural Arts Programmes
To promote the development of arts in the community, a variety of cultural arts programmes including music, dance, Chinese opera and theatrical arts are organised to bring performing arts into the community and enrich the cultural life of local residents.