Outdoor bird watching brings us close to nature and the cost is low. Through bird watching, we can also cultivate keen observation, patience and perseverance. As we appreciate how all things on earth are closely linked with the natural environment, we become more positive in participating and supporting environmental protection work. Hence, bird watching is an enjoyable and meaningful activity.
• | The beginner can use a pair of lightweight binoculars with x7 to x10 magnification. |
• | Move quietly and speak softly. |
• | Wear clothes in colours that blend harmoniously with the environment. |
• | Take note of the stir of grass and trees to find out whether any birds are hiding behind. |
• | Listen quietly to the calls of birds to keep track of their position. |
• | Don't be anxious. Keep calm and observe patiently. |
• | If the species of a bird cannot be identified, jot down its distinctive features such as appearance, colours, behaviour and call notes, and look up reference materials afterwards. |
• | Apart from observation, bird watchers can also conduct activities such as photo-taking and sketching of birds, tape recording of their calls etc. |
• | Don't disturb the birds. Keep a distance to avoid disturbing their activities and reproduction. |
• | No hunting of birds or picking up of their eggs is allowed. |
• | Don't damage the natural environment by climbing on trees or bending any flowers or branches when watching birds. |
• | Take note of the weather and bring along sun caps, rain gear and appropriate clothes. |
• | Use mosquito repellents and cover the body with clothes as far as practicable in the countryside. |
• | Bring along sufficient drinking water and simple food. |
• | Avoid dangerous places such as the undergrowth, cliffs or edge of ponds. |
• | Don't look directly at the sun with binoculars to avoid damage to the eyes. |
According to the records, there are about 450 bird species recorded in Hong Kong, representing approximately one third of the bird species recorded throughout China and one twentieth of the total number of bird species in the world. Among them are some 90 species of resident birds and more than 300 species of migratory birds. Hong Kong has such a wide variety of birds mainly due to its location at an estuary and hilly terrain, which provides diversified habitats for all sorts of birds. Besides, Hong Kong is located between the northern and southeastern parts of Asia, offering a stopover site or wintering ground for migratory birds on the East Asia migration route. All bird photos provided by Hong Kong Bird Watching Society