Many flowering plants in urban parks provide nectars for butterflies. However, about half of Hong Kong's butterfly species, especially Nymphs and Browns, seldom or never visit flowers for nectar.
Coral Hibiscus (Hibiscus schizopetalus) Flowering from May to October, attracts large Swallowtails, Whites and Yellows |
Chinese Ixora (Ixora chinensis) Flowering from June to October, attracts Swallowtails, Whites and Yellows |
Pentas (Pentas lanceolata) Flowering from March to November, attracts Swallowtails, Whites and Yellows |
Wedelia (Wedelia trilobata) Flowering almost throughout the year, attracts Skippers, Blues, small Whites and Yellows |
Golden Dewdrops (Duranta erecta) Flowering from May to November, attracts Skippers, Blues, small Whites and Yellows |
Lantana (Lantana camara) Flowering almost throughout the year, attracts Swallowtails, Skippers, small Whites and Yellows and some Nymphs |