Happy Office Workers
Dear office workers, to be fit and smart, we recommend you to …
In workplace:
- Use escalators and lifts less often and take the stairs instead to increase the chance of doing exercise.
- Conduct face-to-face discussion with the organisations or departments nearby instead of phone discussion. This will increase the chance of doing physical activity.
- Move your joints and stretch your muscles regularly to relax the tense and fatigued muscles if you have been repeating the same movements or maintaining the same posture for a long period of time.
- Pick a simple lunch so that you may have 30 minutes’ time prior to the lunch spared for ball games, walking or stretching exercise, etc.
- Get off the vehicle one or two stops earlier and take an extra 15-minute walk every day when going to and from work.
Outside office hours:
- After office hours, invite your colleagues or friends to join your favourite sports so as to ease your fatigue after a day’s work.
- During holidays, take part in outdoor exercises with your family such as hiking, QualiWalk, jogging/running and water sports so as to relax the mind and body.
For more information about the exercise for office workers at workplace, please visit the following website: http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/healthy/exercise.html
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