Guidelines on Ticketing Arrangements for Wheelchair Users
Seating Arrangement
A limited number of wheelchair seats, each accompanied with one minder seat, are available at the Hong Kong Coliseum for wheelchair users attending events with admission tickets.
Ticketing Arrangements (Applicable for events using URBTIX ticketing services)
Tickets of paid admission events are normally put on sale one to three months in advance. Patrons may watch out for the announcement by event organizers or call up the URBTIX enquiries hotline 3166 1100 (10:00am – 8:00pm daily) for general enquiries.
- Tickets for Wheelchair Seats on the Arena Floor
Purchase of tickets for wheelchair seats (including the minder seats) on the Arena Floor will follow the normal ticketing arrangements of the event organizers.
- Tickets for Wheelchair Platforms at the Main Gangway Level
Tickets for wheelchair platforms will only be available by wheelchair users via a ticket exchange mechanism, on a first-come-first-served basis. Wheelchair users can apply for exchange of tickets for wheelchair platforms when purchasing tickets via applicable URBTIX ticketing channels or reserving tickets through telephone reservation service. The exchange procedure is as follows:
(1) Apply for exchange of ticket for wheelchair platform |
(2) Purchase / Reserve normal ticket available at different price zones according to personal need |
(3) Computer selects wheelchair platform available |
(4) Pay the price of the ticket for wheelchair platform exchanged which is the same as the ticket originally chosen at (2) |
(5) Transaction or reservation completes |
- Any purchase of one wheelchair ticket is entitled to purchase only one minder ticket.
Purchase or telephone reservation of tickets for wheelchair seats on Arena Floor or tickets for wheelchair platforms can be arranged through the following channels:-
- Telephone Reservation for Wheelchair Users (3166 1100)
Tickets can also be reserved by telephone free of service charge for wheelchair users through the URBTIX Ticketing Enquiries and Customer Service hotline 3166 1100 (10:00am – 8:00pm daily) starting from the first public sale day. Tickets may be reserved up to three days (counting the day of order as the first day) or by one hour prior to the scheduled commencement time of the performance (whichever is the sooner) for purchase by the patron in person or by a person authorised by the patron at any URBTIX outlets. For events with implementation of "delayed collection of tickets", patrons who reserved tickets by telephone can purchase their reserved tickets at all URBTIX outlets during the designated three days before the date of the respective performance.
- Internet Ticketing ( , Mobile App "URBTIX" or Telephone Booking (3166 1288)
Tickets are available for sale through the URBTIX website, mobile app "URBTIX" (Android, iPhone/iPad and HarmonyOS versions) or telephone booking hotline 3166 1288 (10:00am – 8:00pm daily) from the first public sale day until one hour before performance with collection of a handling charge per ticket. Tickets booked within seven days of the performance can only be collected from kiosks/sales counters. For ticket collection by credit card, please use the same credit card (except virtual card) used for the booking for verification and collection of your purchased tickets. For ticket collection by claim ID, please use the automatically generated claim ID by the system upon ticket purchase and your user-defined password to collect your purchased tickets. (Please refer to Distribution of Self-service Ticketing Kiosks and URBTIX Outlets Address for the locations to collect tickets.)
- Counter Booking and Self-service Ticketing Kiosk Booking
No counter booking and self-service ticketing kiosk booking will be arranged on the first day of ticket sales for all events held at the Hong Kong Coliseum. For some events with the above ticketing services available from the second day of ticket sales, patron may purchase tickets in person or by an authorised person at any URBTIX outlets from that day until one hour before the performance. Please visit for the addresses of URBTIX outlets and for locations of the self-service ticketing kiosks. From one hour before performance, tickets are only available at the Box Office of the Hong Kong Coliseum.
- On-the-day Tickets
On the day of the performance, tickets at unsold or unreserved wheelchair platforms may be released for sale to the general public from 10am onwards. These on-the-day tickets are available for sale through internet booking (, mobile ticketing app “URBTIX” (Android, iPhone/iPad and HarmonyOS versions) and telephone booking at 3166 1288. For wheelchair users, tickets can also be reserved by telephone free of service charge through the URBTIX Enquiries and Customer Service hotline 3166 1100 from 10:00am onwards up to one hour prior to the scheduled commencement time of the performance. Unless otherwise announced, each purchase is limited to a maximum of two (2) tickets.
Admission Arrangement
Wheelchair Seat Tickets are designated for persons who depend on wheelchair for mobility and their accompanying minders. When exchanging for Wheelchairs Seat Tickets for wheelchair platforms on the Main Gangway Level or purchasing Wheelchair Seats Tickets on the Arena Floor, each wheelchair user is entitled to exchange or purchase a maximum of ONE (1) Minder Ticket at the same time. Wheelchair Seat Ticket holders must produce proof of mobility difficulties* upon demand by the venue management during admission. Minder must be admitted together with the wheelchair user. Venue management will refuse admission without refund, in case of non-wheelchair user or any person accompanying any non-wheelchair user holding Wheelchair Seat Ticket or Minder Ticket for admission.
* Including “Registration Card for People with Disabilities” (Physical Disability) or other valid medical documentary proof showing physical disability or mobility difficulties.
Wheelchair users with tickets may contact the Hong Kong Coliseum venue management for necessary admission assistance. They are also advised to arrive at the performance venue with sufficient lead time for admission.
Enquiries Hotline
URBTIX Ticketing Enquiries and Customer Service hotline: |
3166 1100 (10:00am – 8:00pm daily) |
Hong Kong Coliseum (Box Office): |
2355 7233 (10:00am – 6:30pm daily) |
Hong Kong Coliseum (Admission Arrangement): |
2355 7234 (10:00am – 10:00pm daily) |
Mobile App Booking URBTIX (Android and iPhone/iPad versions) |
Click here to download mobile ticketing app (Android version) Click here to download mobile ticketing app (iPhone/iPad version)