

The opening of Kwai Tsing Theatre in November 1999 is a milestone in the performing arts development of Hong Kong. Over the years, the Theatre has provided quality support to numerous local and visiting stage productions to the spectacular enjoyment of its audience.

The Theatre’s 899-seat Auditorium is equipped to cater for all types of performances. The Black Box Theatre, accommodating from 130 to 160 theatre-goers, is the first of its kind among the Leisure and Cultural Services Department performing arts facilities designed to meet the growing demand of small-scale and experimental productions. Other facilities to suit the needs of different arts activities include a Lecture Room, a Dance Studio and a Rehearsal Room while the 830-square-metre Plaza offers the breathing space for the busy city life.

On top of its diversified facilies, Kwai Tsing Theatre prides itself on its prime location and excellent transport connection. It is an ideal venue for productions of different scales and will continue to play a key role for local cultural events. 


Financial Figures for 2023/2024
