Event Calendar of March

Event Calendar of April Sha Tin Town Hall Event Calendar
Free Subscription to Event Calendar  







1 Sat 10am $60
Hong Kong Theatre Works 9th N.D. Storytelling Competition
☏ 2606 2989 / 6716 3868
2 Sun 10am
3 Mon 7:30pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket The Confucianism Sacred Songs Orchestra of China Variety Show
☏ 6108 7129
4 Tue 2pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket 珍珍曲藝社 Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert
☏ 9627 0560
5 Wed 2pm
▲Free Admission by Ticket Pacific Bobby Speech Group Oldies Concert
☏ 9055 0666
6 Thu 2pm
▲Free Admission by Ticket 匯聲歌唱團 Variety Show
☏ 6909 5119
7 Fri 2pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Cantonese Opera Artistic Studio Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert
☏ 9494 0429
9 Sun 2pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Happy Gathering Leisurely Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert
☏ 9481 8193
11 Tue 2:15pm
▲Free Admission by Ticket 輕鬆舞軒 Variety Show
☏ 9120 8682
14 Fri 2pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Guangdong Cultural Association Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert
☏ 9822 7922
15 Sat 2pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Wonderful Music & Happy Singing House Happy Singing Together
☏ 9085 0617
17 Mon 2pm
▲Free Admission by Ticket Music Star Studio Oldies Concert
☏ 9499 6031
18 Tue 3pm
▲Free Admission by Ticket Sing Wui Association Oldies Concert
☏ 9270 8425
19 Wed 2pm
▲Free Admission by Ticket Performance Art Workshop Variety Show
☏ 9164 7765
20 Thu 7:15pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Ying Ling Chorus Oldies Concert
☏ 9783 1464 / 9042 0749
22 Sat 2pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket The Best Team Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert
☏ 5999 2270
23 Sun 2:15pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Tung Lok Cantonese Singing Association Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert
☏ 6242 5298
25 Tue 2pm
▲Free Admission by Ticket Tsuen Wan Advance Leisure & Cultural Association Variety Show
☏ 6188 2284
26 Wed 2pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Fun Loving Variety Show
☏ 5326 2012
29 Sat 2pm
▲Free Admission by Ticket Théâtre de la Feuille 18dART – North District Community Arts Scheme 2024-25: 'North.4' Theatre Project by Théâtre de la Feuille
– Finale Performances

☏ 6476 7803
30 Sun 7:15pm $50 Hong Kong Yong Yan Arts Troupe Sounds of Spring Concert
☏ 9059 5575 



Presented or organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
▲ Free tickets to be distributed by the presenter (Some free tickets are distributed at the Enquiries Counter of the North District Town Hall on a first-come-first-served basis)
 Available at URBTIX
Internet Booking and the Latest Ticket Sales: www.urbtix.hk
Credit Card Telephone Booking: (852) 3166 1288 (10am – 8pm)
Ticketing Enquiries: (852) 3166 1100 (10am – 8pm)
Senior citizens aged 60 or above      People with disabilities and the minder      Full-time students      CSSA recipients

This event calendar may not list all programmes at the North District Town Hall since some bookings of venues and programme details are pending. Please visit this website later or call the Front of House Office at 2671 4400 for updates.