Outdoor Facilities


The recreational facilities of the Park are designed for people of different age groups. These include a pet garden, inclusive park for pet, elderly fitness corner, a pebble walking trial, Chinese herb garden, trail of health, skateboard ground, 3 nos. of 5-a-side Hard-surfaced Soccer Pitch (1 no. Soccer Pitch cum Handball Court) with a spectator stand to accommodate 200 spectators, a children's play area and jogging track, men’s and ladies’ changing rooms and toilets.

Pet GardenInclusive Park for Pet
Pet GardenInclusive Park for Pet
Pebble Walking TrailElderly Fitness Corner
Pebble Walking TrailElderly Fitness Corner
Trail of HealthChinese Herb Garden
Trail of HealthChinese Herb Garden
5-a-side Hard-surfaced Soccer PitchSkateboard Ground
3 nos. of 5-a-side Hard-surfaced Soccer Pitch
(1 no. Soccer Pitch cum Handball Court)
Skateboard Ground
Jogging TrackChildren's Play Area
Jogging TrackChildren's Play Area
Pet Garden
Fitness Corner


Barrier Free Facilities: Accessible Toilet, Tactile Guide Path, Braille Directory Map/Floor Plan