Special and Rare Species


Tai Po Waterfront Park is home to a diverse collection of native and exotic plants, including mainly Sterculia lanceolata, Pavetta hongkongensis, Tabebuia chrysotricha as well as camellias and rhododendrons.  Among the rare species are Ochna serrulata (“Mickey Mouse Plant”), Passiflora quadrangularis, Cananga ordorata and Camellia chrysantha.  The park also features Heritiera littoralis, Caryota urens, Dolichandrone cauda-felina and Camellia crapnelliana, allowing visitors to appreciate in detail their unique forms, leaf shapes, bark and fruits.

 Passiflora quadrangularisPassiflora quadrangularis 
Passiflora quadrangularis
Location 1
Camellia crapnelliana
Location 2
 Ochna serrulataHeritiera littoralis 
Ochna serrulata
Location 3
Heritiera littoralis
Location 4
 Caryota urensDolichandrone candafelina 
Caryota urens
Location 5
Dolichandrone candafelina
Location 6

