The schools provide riding lessons for children and adults. Riders attend one lesson per week and pay the fees on a monthly basis.
Applicants must weigh less than listed below, be at least 6 years of age and physically fit.
Type of Lesson |
Age |
Weight |
Pony Lesson |
6 -14 |
48kg |
Horse Lesson |
15 or above |
70kg |
For enrolment, you may submit an online application via the links below. Applicants will be put on the waiting list and be assigned, on a first-come-first-served basis, to a class of an appropriate level, which will be decided by the school according to their horse riding experiences, once places are available.
Pony lessons | |
Horse lessons |
Leisure and Cultural Services Department will organises a number of horse riding fun days each year for members of the public. For details, please contact the District Leisure Services Offices or visit the webpage of LCSD Community Recreation and Sports Programme.
Also, prospective campers of Lei Yue Mun Park may contact the camp staff at 2568 7380 for arranging group horse riding activities and group visits.