Event Calendar of September

Download pdf version (Information updated as of 19.07.2024)

Event Calendar of October

Free Subscription to Event Calendar







6 Fri 8:00pm $180
iStage Theatre Limited iStage Drama Festival
☏ 3116 1341
Email: info@iStage.hk
7 Sat 3:00pm, 8:00pm $180
iStage Theatre Limited iStage Drama Festival
☏ 3116 1341
Email: info@iStage.hk
8 Sun 3:00pm, 8:00pm $180
iStage Theatre Limited iStage Drama Festival
☏ 3116 1341
Email: info@iStage.hk
13 Fri 7:30pm $380, $300
Pants Theatre Production Limited "Quills" (Re-run)
☏ 2419 9006
Email: info@pants.org.hk
14 Sat 7:30pm $380, $300
Pants Theatre Production Limited "Quills" (Re-run)
☏ 2419 9006
Email: info@pants.org.hk
15 Sun 2:30pm $380, $300
Pants Theatre Production Limited "Quills" (Re-run)
☏ 2419 9006
Email: info@pants.org.hk
20 Fri 7:30pm $380, $300
Pants Theatre Production Limited "Quills" (Re-run)
☏ 2419 9006
Email: info@pants.org.hk
21 Sat 7:30pm $380, $300
Pants Theatre Production Limited "Quills" (Re-run)
☏ 2419 9006
Email: info@pants.org.hk
22 Sun 2:30pm $380, $300
Pants Theatre Production Limited "Quills" (Re-run)
☏ 2419 9006
Email: info@pants.org.hk
25 Wed 8:00pm $200 Tiffany Lau Vocal Performance Academy Tiffany Lau Vocal Performance Academy 9th Anniversary Concert –
The Little Prince
☏ 3547 2550
27 Fri 2:15pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket 華文曲社 弦歌揚樂韻粵曲演唱會
☏ 2543 2371
28 Sat 2:15pm $180, $120, $60
■$90, $60, $30
彩鳳翔粵劇團 彩鳳戲寶迎國慶
☏ 2474 2363
29 Sun 7:15pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket 南區文藝協進會有限公司 慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年─2024南區舞蹈大匯演
☏ 2873 1877


Lecture Hall






1 Sun 7:30pm $150 Hong Kong Plucked String Chinese Orchestra Serendipity of Plucked Strings:
A Concert Series for Young Performers of HKPSCO
☏ 9346 8824
5 Thu 2:15pm, 7:15pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Serenity Funeral Company Limited 與眾同唱繽紛夜
☏ 5303 3546
7 Sat 8:00pm $250, $220
■$200, $176
蔡雅絲古箏學院 琴弦共聚50+ 之情與景
☏ 2380 6082
8 Sun 4:00pm $200
Amazing Voices Amazing Voices Student Concert 2024 II –
Viva La Musica
☏ 6461 6978
13 Fri 7:30pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Hong Kong Vocal Music Salon Vocal Gathering
17 Tue 2:15pm, 7:15pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Hoi Lai Dream Works 金曲樂逍遙
☏ 9341 1934
18 Wed 2:15pm, 7:15pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket 好聲音歌友會 A&R金曲滙
☏ 9212 6862
19 Thu 7:15pm $100
Ensemble of Hearty Voices in Time The Melodious Voices 6
☏ 9639 2299
21 Sat 8:00pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Wu Caroline Lynn Konghou and Zheng Recital
☏ 5405 8396
22 Sun 4:30pm $80
Memento Moments Harp Studio Memento Moments Harp Studio Students Concert
☏ 6478 1676


Exhibition Hall






14 Sat 10:00am ▲Free Admission The China Hong Kong (SAR) Philatelic Society The China Hong Kong (SAR) Philatelic Society Philatelic Exhibition 2024
☏ 9480 3420
15 Sun 10:00am ▲Free Admission The China Hong Kong (SAR) Philatelic Society The China Hong Kong (SAR) Philatelic Society Philatelic Exhibition 2024
☏ 9480 3420


■ Full-time Students and/or Senior Citizens Aged 60 or Above and/or People with Disabilities and the Minder and/or Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Recipients Tickets
▲  Some free tickets are distributed at the Enquiries Counter of the Sheung Wan Civic Centre (9am - 9pm) on a first-come-first-served basis
 Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Internet Booking and the Latest Ticket Sales: www.urbtix.hk
Credit Card Telephone Booking: (852) 3166 1288 (10am – 8pm)
Ticketing Enquiries: (852) 3166 1100 (10am – 8pm)

This event calendar may not list all programmes at the Sheung Wan Civic Centre since some bookings of venues and programme details are pending. Please visit this website later or call the Enquiry Counter of Sheung Wan Civic Centre at 2853 2689 for updates.