Venue Partnership


Fully implemented from April 2009, the Venue Partnership Scheme aims to foster a partnership between the performance venues and performing arts groups/organisations with the objectives of enhancing the artistic image and character of the venue and its partner, enlarging the audience base, optimising usage of facilities, developing venue-based marketing strategies, encouraging community involvement in the development of the arts and promoting the arts in the community. The 5th round of the Scheme will be implemented from April 2022 to March 2026.

Our Venue Partners

Jazz World (Hong Kong) Limited & Count-in Music Limited and Ming Ri Institute For Arts Education are the venue partners of Tsuen Wan Town Hall.

Programmes of Venue Partners

Jazz World (Hong Kong) Limited Count-in Music Limited Ming Ri Institute For Arts Education ltd.

《荃灣有爵樂-Toninho Horta & Eugene Pao》JITN-Toninho Horta & Eugene Pao

《荃灣有爵樂-The Aristocrats-The Duck Tour》JITN-The Aristocrats-The Duck Tour


戲偶兒童劇場《睡美人》Sleeping Beauty

嬰幼兒劇場《Baby Boo (Part 2)》



Programme Enquiries
Jazz World (Hong Kong) Limited
Telephone: 9476 8655
Count-in Music Limited
Telephone: 6397 9593
Programme Enquiries
Ming Ri Institute For Arts Education
Telephone: 2742 2966

The presenter reserves the right to change the programme, artists and seating arrangement should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.