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The HKSAR Delegation to the 12th National Games of the People's Republic of China *
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Name List of HKSAR Athletes in the Final Round
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The HKSAR DElegation to the 11th National Games of the PRC
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(c)	Name List of HKSAR Athletes in the Final Round

Hong Kong athletes entries : Rugby

National Sports AssociationĄGHong Kong Rugby Football Union

Name List of Athlets

NameĄGRobert Adam Carlyle ROLSTON
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Men

NameĄGCHEUNG Ho Ning, Charles
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Men

NameĄGFAN Shun Kei
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Men

NameĄGHAYNES, Anthony Nicholas
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Men

NameĄGKWOK Ka Chun
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Men

NameĄGLEUNG Ho Yam, Simon
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Men

NameĄGMAIZE Christopher Russell
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Men

NameĄGMCQUEEN Alexander Robert
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Men

NameĄGRABY Adam Frank
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Men

NameĄGTSANG Hing Hung
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Men

Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Men

NameĄGYIU Kam Shing
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Men

NameĄGCHAN Hoi Ping, Emmy
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Women

NameĄGCHAN Leong Sze, Royce
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Women

NameĄGCHENG Ka Chi, Christy
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Women

NameĄGCHENG Tsz Ting
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Women

NameĄGDaniella MEANS May Lee
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Women

NameĄGGORDON, Christine
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Women

Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Women

NameĄGLAI Pou Fan
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Women

NameĄGLI Nim Yan Melody Blessing
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Women

NameĄGOLSON-THORNE, Natasha Shangwe
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Women

NameĄGPOON Pak Yan
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Women

NameĄGSHAM Wai Sum
Participating Event(s)ĄG
Rugby-7 Women




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