Our hands are amazing and expressive. Are we sure?
Well, the SADARI Theatre Company, South Korea's premier children's
theatre group, will stage three vignettes suitable for pre-schoolers
to show us the many splendours of our little (or big) hands. However,
when it comes to communicating and expressing our thoughts, there
is nothing more effective than using our facial expressions - even
if they are drawn on a mask. Not convinced? Then watch a photographer
and his subject out-doing each other with some bizarre expressions
in 'Photo'. Hands, on the other, err, hand, can do a lot more tricks.
'Journey of Hands' takes our hands on a fantastic voyage into the
deep blue sea, to make friends with different kinds of, fish, corals
and crabs. 'What Will It Become?', the company's signature sketch,
transforms eight hands, a few sticks and hula-hoops into fish, flowers,
a swan family, a bicycle and a rocket, to the accompaniment of fun
children's songs.