The Hong Kong Museum of Art and the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Been there, done that. Or have you? Have you ever wanted to find out what goes on behind those glittering exhibition showcases or the backstage curtain? The Cultural Tours has been running for as long as the International Arts Carnival itself. As in the past, under the guidance of our young and friendly experts, you will be able to learn more about, and explore, the many features and facilities of both the Museum of Art and Cultural Centre. This year, you will also get a chance to meet the artists yourselves. Chung Ying Theatre Company and Shu Ning Presentation Unit will open their doors to visitors, revealing the many secrets and dramas that take place backstage.
The tours are free of charge. To register, fill in the form and send it back to the Festivals Office, Level 5, Administration Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, or fax it to 2371 4171.
A ballot will be drawn and the successful applicants will be notified by mail before 1 Aug.
Enquiries: 2370 1044
Deadline of Application: 13.7
Application Form
Conducted in Cantonese |