The Information and Public Relations Section (IPRS)
is the department's public relations consultant charged with the
duties of promoting LCSD activities and facilities. The IPRS also
handles media enquiries and responds to complaints channeled through
the media.
In the event of emergency like the passage of
typhoons and rainstorms, Information Officers are deployed to man
the Emergency Information Centre (EIC). They provide regular situation
reports to the media so that the public are informed of latest
developments, such as cancellation of LCSD programme activities.
When typhoon Hagupit hit Hong Kong on September 11, 2002, the IPRS
activated the EIC to deal with media enquiries and issue announcements.
Effective publicity was mounted through various
channels, ranging from press conferences, press briefings and press
visits to advertising, press releases, posters, leaflets, publications
and other printed materials. Throughout the year, 127 press conferences
and briefings were arranged, plus 279 press visits. Altogether
2,640 press releases were issued and 184 posters were produced.
In addition, 113 television advertisements were made and 23 exhibitions
were conducted.
The IPRS continued to produce regular publications
reporting on progress to increase transparency in our operations.
These included a bi-monthly staff bulletin; a bilingual quarterly
newsletter Leisure and Cultural Link to promote our facilities
and major activities; a half-yearly magazine to publicise the activities
organised by the Community Sports Clubs; and the Annual Report
2001 to outline the department's functions and achievements.
The department's informative and user-friendly
website is designed to simplify practical searches for information.
Details of our publications, services and facilities, plus information
on leisure and cultural programmes, as well as application forms
and tender notices, are all posted on the Internet.
The IPRS is responsible for arranging
promotional activities for the department. |