Q1: |
Can persons with disabilities (PWDs) participate in recreation and sports programmes organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)? |
A1: |
All members of the public are welcome to participate in recreation and sports programmes organised by the LCSD. PWDs may choose to enrol in any of the programmes they consider suitable according to their respective interest and level of ability. They can also participate in the free recreation and sports programmes specifically organised for PWDs by the LCSD. Relevant information is available on the SmartPLAY webpage, the dedicated webpage for PWD programmes in our website, and in the Community Recreation & Sports Programme and district recreation and sports programme leaflet to be published monthly. PWDs may also call the LCSD’s District Leisure Services Office (DLSO) organising the programmes (office hours: 8:30 am to 6:15 pm, Monday to Friday) or the LCSD’s hotline (tel. no.: 2414 5555) for enquiries. |
Q2: |
What channels are available for PWDs to enrol in recreation and sports programmes organised by the LCSD? |
A2: |
PWDs may enrol in recreation and sports programmes (including those designated for PWDs) organised by the LCSD via the following channels:
Q3: |
What are the procedures for PWDs to enrol in recreation and sports programmes organised by the LCSD? |
A3: |
All applicants of recreation and sports programmes organised by the LCSD must register as SmartPLAY users before enrolment. Applicants can register as SmartPLAY users and enrol in activities through My SmartPLAY app, the SmartPLAY webpage, or SmartPLAY smart self-service stations set up at DLSOs or leisure venues. For details on enrolment methods and procedures, please read the “Notes on Enrolment” |
Q4: |
Can PWDs be accompanied by their family and friends when attending recreation and sports programmes organised by the LCSD? If so, what are the enrolment procedures? |
A4: |
Yes. A PWD may enrol in recreation and sports programmes organised by the LCSD with no more than one accompanying carer aged 16 or above. The enrolment procedures for accompanying carers are the same as those for PWDs. An accompanying carer who assists an enrolled PWD in training programmes specifically organised for PWDs may attend the programmes with the PWD during the training and no enrolment is required. As for play-in activities designated for PWDs, accompanying carers are required to complete the same enrolment procedures as the PWDs to facilitate arrangement of transport and camping places. |
Q5: |
What documentary proof do PWDs have to produce when enrolling in those recreation and sports programmes specifically organised for PWDs by the LCSD? |
A5: |
Participants must produce the originals of their PWD proof for verification by the LCSD’s staff/instructors on the first day of the activity. Failure to do so will render participants and their accompanying carers unable to take part in the activity. Recognised PWD proof includes:
Q6: |
For what types of PWDs does the LCSD organise the programmes? |
A6: |
The LCSD organises suitable recreation and sports programmes for people with different types of disability, including those with visual impairment, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, autism, physical disability and chronic illness, as well as ex-mentally ill persons. |
Q7: |
Who are eligible for LCSD programmes specifically organised for the chronically ill? |
A7: |
Holders of the “Registration Card for People with Disabilities” issued by the LWB with “chronic illness” specified as the type of disability thereon are eligible for this type of programmes. |
Q8: |
What types of programmes does the LCSD organise specifically for PWDs? |
A8: |
The LCSD organises various types of programmes specifically for PWDs, including swimming, hydro-fitness, aerobic dance, social dance, fitness exercise, tai chi, badminton, table tennis, golf, gateball, parent-child gymnastics, body-mind stretch, residential camps, excursions and outreach fitness programmes. |
Q9: |
Does the LCSD organise recreation and sports programmes at centres/workshops for PWDs? |
A9: |
To engage PWDs in recreation and sports programmes, the LCSD organises outreach programmes with the assistance of non-governmental organisations for PWDs, and arranges for qualified coaches to give training at centres or workshops for PWDs. |
Q10: |
Why does the LCSD co-organise programmes with non-governmental organisations for PWDs? |
A10: |
The DLSOs of the LCSD co-organise programmes with district-based non-governmental organisations for PWDs, whose network will make information on the programmes more accessible to PWDs. Moreover, with deeper professional knowledge of those with different types of disability, these organisations can design programmes that better suit the needs of target participants. |
Q11: |
How much do PWDs have to pay for recreation and sports programmes organised by the LCSD? |
A11: |
PWDs are eligible for a concessionary rate when taking part in general training courses or recreation and sports programmes organised by the LCSD, and may participate in programmes specifically organised for PWDs for free. Such a concession is also offered to one accompanying carer aged 16 or above per PWD. |
Q12: |
Programmes specifically organised for PWDs are free of charge, but why are applicants charged when enrolling in some of these programmes? |
A12: |
Enrolment in programmes specifically organised for PWDs by the LCSD is free of charge. That said, the schedule of some of these programmes, such as day camps, residential camps, evening camps and excursions, may include breakfast/lunch/dinner, which varies across programmes. The meal charge is not included in the enrolment fee and is at the participants’ own expense. |
Q13: |
Does the LCSD arrange transportation for participants of programmes for PWDs? |
A13: |
The LCSD provides transportation for participants of outdoor recreation programmes specially designed for PWDs, including excursions, day camps, evening camps and residential camps as well as fun days held at Tuen Mun Recreation and Sports Centre. DLSOs organising the programmes arrange transportation to pick up participants from designated locations in the districts to the venues. |
Q14: |
Does the LCSD deploy extra manpower to assist with organising recreation and sports programmes for PWDs? |
A14: |
When organising programmes for PWDs, the LCSD arranges qualified coaches, leaders and an appropriate number of staff members as necessary to provide assistance to participants. |
Q15: |
What facilities under the management of the LCSD are available for use by PWDs? |
A15. |
At present, barrier-free access and facilities are provided at all major sports facilities under the management of the LCSD, including sports centres, swimming pools, sports grounds, holiday camps, water sports centres, the Hong Kong Stadium and the Mong Kok Stadium. All LCSD leisure venues built after 2008 are in compliance with the requirements of the “Design Manual: Barrier Free Access 2008”. As for the leisure venues built before 2008, the LCSD has arranged improvement works in the form of renovation or alteration as the geographical environments, architectural conditions and technology permit. Examples of such improvement works include the provision of barrier-free access, accessible toilets and accessible parking spaces; the addition of facilities such as tactile guide paths, Braille signage, and Braille and tactile maps for the convenience of the visually impaired; as well as the installation of family changing rooms for use by PWDs and their families members at swimming pools. |
Q16: |
Are the children’s playgrounds of the LCSD suitable for use by PWDs? |
A16. |
Most of the children’s playgrounds under the management of the LCSD provide diversified inclusive play equipment for use by children with or without disabilities. Safe barrier-free access is provided in inclusive playgrounds to facilitate children with different types of disabilities to use facilities such as slides, swings and sway boats. The inclusive play equipment includes tactile play panels and movable parts in various forms for visually impaired children’s enjoyment through touching. Movable parts that produce sounds when knocked are also installed to add to the fun. Such play equipment creates an inclusive environment where children can play together, acquire different skills and learn how to get along with others. For details of the inclusive play equipment, please visit the following webpage: |
Q17. |
How does the LCSD encourage the use of recreation and sports facilities by PWDs? |
A17. |
To encourage more active use of recreation and sports facilities and participation in sports programmes by PWDs, the LCSD offers a concessionary rate to PWDs and their accompanying carers (on a one-to-one basis) at all times when they hire recreation and sports facilities under the management of the LCSD and enrol in recreation and sports programmes. For details of the concessionary rates applicable to PWDs hiring recreation and sports facilities, please visit the following webpages: The LCSD has launched the “Scheme for Priority Booking of Facilities at Designated Venues by Organisations of People with Disabilities” at 6 designated sports centres under its management. Eligible organisations can make priority bookings for non-peak slots of such venues to organise sports activities suitable for PWDs. For details of the Scheme, please visit the following webpage: |
Q18. |
What facilities are available at public swimming pools to assist PWDs in getting in and out of the pool? |
A18. |
The LCSD supports the Government’s policy of providing a barrier-free environment for PWDs. Currently, all major sports facilities under its management including swimming pools provide barrier-free access and facilities. In addition, there are pool lifts for PWDs at some swimming pools to facilitate them to get in and out of the pool. The LCSD will also consider adding ramps at new swimming pools, provided that there are sufficient spaces, to help PWDs and persons with mobility difficulty (especially the elderly) get in and out of the pool. For example, ramps are provided at the secondary pools or training pools of Siu Sai Wan Swimming Pool, Kwun Tong Swimming Pool and Tuen Mun North West Swimming Pool. The LCSD’s staff will make every effort to assist PWDs in getting in and out of the pool. Those in need may contact the venue-in-charge for assistance in advance or on the spot. Please visit the following LCSD’s webpage for the contact numbers of all swimming pools and information on facilities for PWDs thereat: |
Q19. |
What measures are put in place by public swimming pools to assist wheelchair users in using pool facilities? |
A19. |
Staff of public swimming pools will make every effort to help wheelchair users enter and leave the pool area, and get in and out of the pool, while rendering other assistance as appropriate. Those in need may contact the venue-in-charge for assistance in advance or on the spot, such as asking for the use of the pool lift to get in or out of the pool or a place for accommodation of their wheelchairs. Moreover, accompanying carers of PWDs (on a one-to-one basis) are also eligible for concessionary rates to facilitate them to take care of PWDs. |