Greening School


School Garden PlotThe Leisure and Cultural Services Department organises Greening School Subsidy Scheme for local primary, secondary, special schools and kindergartens to enlist their support in greening the environment through campus greening projects and greening activities so as to promote a green culture among students and cultivate their interest in growing plants. Schools interested in this Scheme may apply for cash subsidies to implement planting works or organise greening activities.

Greening School Project Award will be presented to schools with meritorious achievements.

LCSD also organises One Person, One Flower Scheme and  Planting Herbs in School Scheme for schools. It is hoped that through participation in this activity, students' interests can be cultivated in growing plants.


Greening School Project award list 2023/24

Greening School Project award list 2022/23

Greening School Project award list 2021/22

Greening School Project award list 2020/21

Greening School Project award list 2019/20

Greening School Project award list 2018/19

Greening School Project award list 2017/18

Greening School Project award list 2016/17

Greening School Project award list 2015/16

Greening School Project award list 2014/15

Greening School Project award list 2013/14

Greening School Project award list 2012/13

Greening School Project award list 2011/12

Greening School Project award list 2010/11

Greening School Project award list 2009/10

Greening School Project award list 2008/09

Greening School Project award list 2007/08

Greening School Project award list 2006/07

Greening School Project award list 2005/06

Greening School Project award list 2004/05

Greening School Project award list 2003/04

Greening School Project award list 2002/03

Greening School Project award list 2001/02

Greening School Project award list 2000/01
