(A) Areas A, B or C
(i) Ordinary Bookings
(ii) Late Bookings
(iii) Special Bookings
(iv) Indoor Related Bookings
(B) Area D (for public meetings only)
(C) Supporting Documents
(D) Enquiries
Ordinary booking applications are accepted not less than 2 months but not more than 5 months in advance of the month of hire. Applications will be processed in one lot on a monthly basis.
Completed application forms should reach the booking office of the Centre or via on-line application of e-APS at http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/eaps before 5:30pm on the last working day(working day refers to Monday to Friday except public holidays)of each month. A reply will be provided within 14 working days thereafter.
Late booking applications are accepted within 2 months up to 14 working days from the date of the proposed function. Applications will be processed in one lot on a weekly basis.
Completed application forms will be accepted during office hours (before 5:30pm) on the working days (refers to Monday to Friday, except public holidays).
Applications which require longer lead-time for planning and preparation, such as functions involving key overseas elements or of major and special scale, are accepted 6 to 12 months in advance of the month of hire. Applications will be processed on a monthly basis.
Completed application forms should reach the booking office of the Centre or via on-line application of e-APS at http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/eaps before 5:30pm on the last working day(working day refers to Monday to Friday except public holidays)of each month. A reply will be provided within 14 working days thereafter.
Applications are accepted together with the booking applications for the related indoor functions (at Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall, Grand Theatre and/or Studio Theatre). Piazza Area applications will be processed together with the indoor venue booking applications.
Applications are accepted within 2 months up to 14 working days from the date of the proposed function. Applications will be processed in one lot on a weekly basis.
Completed application forms will be accepted during office hours (before 5:30pm) on the working days (refers to Monday to Friday, except public holidays).
Any one organization is limited to use this Area up to a maximum of 3 days in a calendar month.
Applications will only be considered for holding of public meetings which contain no entertainment elements or sales activities.
For organisations, the booking applications should include copies of :
(i) Certificate of business registration; or
(ii) Certificate of incorporation under the Companies Ordinance (Cap.622); or
(iii) Notification of establishment of a society under the Societies Ordinance (Cap.151); or
(iv) Certificate of registration of a society under the Societies Ordinance (Cap.151); or
(v) Certificate of registration on the list of approved charitable institutions or trusts of a public character; or
(vi) Certificate of registration of a school or certificate of incorporation under the Education Ordinance (Cap.279).
(852) 2734 2842 or (852) 2734 2850
(Monday to Friday from 9am-1pm and 2pm-5:45pm (except public holidays))
Download Piazza Booking Arrangements
(I) Concert Hall/Grand Theatre/Studio Theatre/Exhibition Gallery |
(II) Rehearsal Rooms/Practice Rooms/Function Rooms/Foyer Exhibition Areas |
(III) Piazza |