Scales of Hire Charges

(I) Basic Hire Charges

Facilities of HKCC

(A) Concert Hall/ Grand Theatre/ Studio Theatre
(B) Exhibition Gallery and Foyer Exhibition Areas
(C) Activity Rooms
(D) Reception Areas and VIP Lounges
(E) Piazza


 (A) Concert Hall /Grand Theatre / Studio Theatre

PurposeServiceNormal rateConcessionary Rate
(See Scale V (A)1 & (C)) 
Note 1)
Note 1)
          $ $ $ $ $ $
(1) Performance of music, drama, dance, opera, revue, and other functions considered as entertainment by the Manager (except organ recitals) during any time of the day, and activity of any kind carried out after 6:30pm (a) Basic charge for each function with the services listed in Schedule A for a period not exceeding 4 hours during 9am-1pm or 2pm-6pm or 7pm-11pm 31,950* 35,350* 5,560* 11,200* 12,350*



(b) Charge for each half-hour in excess of 4 hours for prolonged function 2,780 2,990 720 975 1,050 250
(c) Charge for each half-hour in excess of 4 hours for moving in, dismantling and moving out  1,240 1,340 310 435 470 110
(d) Charge for use / occupation of the unit on the day of hiring during hours prior to those of the function or in the morning following the day of hiring with the services listed in Schedule B for a period not exceeding 4 hours : 9am-1pm or 2pm-6pm 5,250 5,770 1,440 1,840 2,020 505
(e) Charge for use / occupation of the unit on the day of hiring during hours prior to those of the function or in the morning following the day of hiring with the services listed in Schedule C for a period not exceeding 4 hours : 9am-1pm or 2pm-6pm 2,370 2,580 720 830 905 250
(2) Performance of  organ recitals             (See Note 2) (a) Basic charge for each performance not exceeding 2 hours after 7pm with the services listed in Schedule A 15,950* 5,580*
(b) Basic charge for each performance not exceeding 1-1/2 hours before 7pm with the services listed in Schedule A 7,930* 2,780*
(c) Basic charge for each performance more than 2 hours but not exceeding 4 hours with the services listed in Schedule A 31,950* 11,200*
(3) Rehearsals/Practices without audience of any kind during the hours 9am to 6pm only (a) Charge for a session not exceeding 4 hours with the services listed in Schedule A during 9am-1pm or 2pm-6pm  10,700 11,950 2,880 3,750 4,180 1,010
(b)  Charge for each half-hour in excess of 4 hours   1,240 1,340 310 435 470 110
(c) Charge for use / occupation of the unit on the day of hiring during hours prior to those of the rehearsal with the services listed in Schedule B for a period not exceeding 4 hours : 9am-1pm or 2pm-6pm  5,250 5,770 1,440 1,840 2,020 505
(d) Charge for use / occupation of the unit on the day of hiring during hours prior to those of the rehearsal with the services listed in Schedule C for a period not exceeding 4 hours : 9am-1pm or 2pm-6pm 2,370 2,580 720 830 905 250
(4) Rehearsals / Practices with the pipe organ without audience of any kind (a) Charge for each hour during the hours 9am to 6pm
(See Note 3) 
125 44
(b) Charge for each hour during the hours between 6pm and midnight (See Note 4)  125 44
(c) Charge for each hour during the hours between midnight and 9am (See Note 4)   235
(5) Meetings, conferences and other functions which are not considered as entertainment by the Manager, and school functions where no admission charges are made, during the hours 9am to 6pm only (a) Charge for a session not exceeding 4 hours with the services listed in Schedule A during the hours 9am to 6pm only 11,950*
(See Note 5)
(See  Note 6)
(See Note 5)
(See Note 5)
(See Note 6)
(See Note 5)
(b) Charge for each additional half-hour in excess of 4 hours 1,240 1,340 410 435 470 145
(6) Film shows
(Grand Theatre only)
(a) Basic charge for each showing for a period not exceeding 2-1/2 hours with the services listed in Schedule D:            
  (i) during the period
  16,500*     5,780*  
  (ii) during the period
  24,950*     8,730*  
(b) Charge for each half-hour in excess of
2-1/2 hours  
4,020 1,410


* See Scale V

#Note 1: Applicant has to decide the stage format when application is submitted. Subsequent change on stage format will not be allowed.
#Note 2: Applications for booking for (2) (a) and (b) will only be accepted 6 months or less prior to the month of the performance.
Note 3: Applications for booking for (4) (a) will only be accepted 2 months or less prior to the day of hire.  The applicant has to possess a recognizable skill of organ playing.
Note 4 : Applications for booking for (4) (b) and (c) will only be accepted 4 weeks or less prior to the day of hire.  The applicant has to possess a recognizable skill of organ playing.
Note 5 : For registered schools, government departments or District Councils, applications for booking for (5)(a) for sessions other than the morning sessions from Monday to Thursday (except public holidays) will only be accepted 6 months or less prior to the month of hire.  Applications for non-arts activities will only be accepted 3 months or less prior to the month of hire.
Note 6: For registered schools, government departments or District Councils, application for booking for (5)(a) will only be accepted 4 months or less prior to the day of hire.  Applications for non-arts activities will only be accepted 3 months or less prior to the month of hire.


Service Schedules

Schedule A (for performance and full scale rehearsal)

Air-conditioning, electricity (for Cultural Centre fixtures and equipment only), water, the use of furniture as provided, stage and electrical equipment as installed (except those equipment and services as listed in Miscellaneous Charges at Scale II), basic ushering service (except for rehearsals), service from electrical technicians and sound controllers as necessary, and the use of dressing rooms.

Schedule B (for occupation and set up with limited technical support)

Air-conditioning and working light for stage, the use of furniture as provided, stage and electrical equipment as installed (except those equipment and services as listed in Miscellaneous Charges at Scale II), service from sound controllers as necessary, and the use of dressing rooms. 

Schedule C (for occupation/move-in/move-out)

Ventilation and working light for stage, and the use of dressing rooms. 

Schedule D (for film show)

Air-conditioning, the use of the film projection equipment and service from projectionists and basic ushering service.


Rate for Overnight Booking (12:30am to 8:30am)
Service (See Note 7)Concert
  $ $ $
(a) Full stage and lighting services except sound service with air conditioning   32,250 35,850 8,550
(b) Full stage service except sound and lighting services with air conditioning  16,050 17,800 4,330
(c) Skeleton stage service without air conditioning  7,930 8,960 2,060
(d) Service of one standby electrical technician to maintain continuous electricity supply  1,240 1,240 1,240
Note 7 : Provision of overnight service is subject to availability of staff resources and at the SOLE discretion of the Manager. Applications for booking of service items (a) and (b) must allow a 1-hour rest time during the booking hours.  The time is to be agreed between the Hirer and the Manager. 


  (B) Exhibition Gallery and Foyer Exhibition Areas

Exhibition Gallery --  287 sq.m.
Normal rate
(See Scale V)
Concessionary rate
(See Scale V(C))
  $ $
(1) Basic charge for Events/Whole Day Setting Up/Dismantling (See Note 8)  5,670* 1,980
(2) Charge for each additional hour after 8pm (for mounting, dismantling or extension of opening hours) 565*
(3) Charge for half-day booking (from 9am-2pm or 3pm-8pm) (See Note 9) 2,880* 1,010

* See Scale V

Foyer Exhibition Areas (9am to closure of Foyer at 11pm)
 (See Note 10)
Normal rateConcessionary rate
(See Scale V(C))
  $ $
(1) E1  40 sq. m. 1,550 775
(2) E2  60 sq. m. 1,850 925
(3) E3  70 sq. m. 3,090 1,550
Note 8 :  Except registered schools, government departments or District Councils, applications for non-arts events will only be accepted 3 months or less prior to the month of hire.
Note 9 : Applications to be accepted 3 months or less prior to the month of the event.
Note 10 : No sale activities are allowed in the Foyer Exhibition Areas.


  (C) Activity Rooms (9am - 10pm)

  Basic Charge Per Hour 
Normal rate
Concessionary rate
(See Scale V(C))
    $ $
Rehearsal Rooms 
(minimum 2 hours)
CR1 300 150
CR2 420 210
GR1/GR3 475 240
GR2 585 295
Practice Rooms CP1/CP2/CP4 77 40
CP5 100 50
GP1 145 73
GP2 175 90
Function Rooms
(minimum 2 hours)
AC1/AC2 340 170


  (D) Reception Areas and VIP Lounges

Foyer Reception Areas
(See Note 11)
  Level 2Level 3Level 4
     $  $ $
(1) Basic Charge
(for first hour)
4,120 1,490 1,490 3,810 3,400 1,240 3,610 4,120 3,810 1,440 5,250 3,910
(2) Charge for each additional hour 2,060 720 720 1,750 1,650 630 1,750 2,060 1,750 710 2,580 1,850
Note 11 :  Available for hirers of the Concert Hall, Grand Theatre and Studio Theatre only.  Free use of Foyer Reception Areas for receptions for a period of less than half an hour. 
  Podium Reception Area
VIP Lounges (See Note 12)
Bauhinia Suite or Concert Hall Lounge
or Theatre Lounge
(Code: A099A)
    $ $
(1) Basic Charge
(for first hour)
3,090 720 (for each hour)
(2) Charge for each additional hour 1,550 720 (for each hour)
Note 12 :  Available for hirers of the Concert Hall and Grand Theatre only.  


  (E) Piazza

UnitCharge of use per hour during 9am-11pm
(minimum 4 hours)  (See Note 13)
Normal rate 
(See Scale V)
Concessionary rate
(See Scale V(C))
    $ $
(1) Area A (440 sq. m.)  720* 360
(2) Area B (440 sq. m.) 720* 360
(3) Area C (500 sq. m.) 1,130* 565
(4) Area D (Public Meeting Area)  Free use for public meetings only

* See Scale V

Note 13: Charges for use of the piazza is for the provision of the venue only.  No special cleansing service, crowd control service, security, electricity supply, technical equipment or services will be provided.


Display of commercial advertisements in the Piazza
during the period of hire
Charge per day per sponsor or brand name (logo) per site as approved
and designated by the Manager


Scale of Hire Charges

I. Basic Hire Charges
II. Miscellaneous Charges
III. Publicity Banners on External Wall
IV. Others
V. General Notes
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