Places of Amusement Licences

Places of Amusement Licences

Licensing Authority

The Leisure and Cultural Services Department is responsible for the enforcement of Places of Amusement Regulation (Cap. 132 sub. leg BA) under Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, through which enables the Administration:

  1. to issue licences for the operation of billiard establishment with 4 tables or more, public bowling-alley and public skating rink;
  2. to maintain a comprehensive register of each type of licensed premises; and
  3. to ensure the licensees of such establishments to comply with the requirements in respect of fire safety, building safety, health and public interest.

    Licensing and Prosecution Unit
    9/F, Leisure and Cultural Services Headquarters
    1 Pai Tau Street
    Sha Tin
    New Territories

    2601 8799 (general enquiries/report illegal operations)

    2375 9333


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