Conditions for Billiard Establishment Licence

1.The layout of the licensed premises shall be kept in strict conformity with that shown in the final plan approved by the Leisure and Clitural Services Department (the “Department”) and no alteration or addition shall be made to the licensed premises without the prior approval of the Department.
2.Unless expressly permitted by the Director of Leisure and Clitural Services (the “Director”) in writing, the licensee shall not allow the licensed premises to be used between 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. for any activity specified in the licence.
3.The licensed premises must not be used for any other purpose or class of business, unless expressly permitted by the Director in writing.
4.The licensee, or a manager nominated by the licensee in writing to the Department and approved by the Director, shall be on duty during business hours to conduct the business in person at the licensed premises.
5.Unless expressly permitted by the Director in writing, the licensee of a billiard establishment shall not permit any person under the age of 16 years to enter the licensed premises between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.
6.Unless expressly permitted by the Director in writing, the licensee of a billiard establishment shall not permit any person in school uniform, whether in flil or in part, or whether wholly or partly covered, to enter the licensed premises at any time during the business hours of the licensed premises.
7.No food business shall be carried out at the licensed premises except with the licence or permission from the concerned government departments or authorities.
8.No amusement game machine licensable under the Amusement Game Centres Ordinance (Cap. 435) shall be permitted at the licensed premises, unless it is granted with a licence by any public officer appointed by the Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs for the purpose of that Ordinance and has obtained prior approval of the Department.
9.The licensed premises shall be kept clean and in good repair at all times.
10.The ventilating system at the licensed premises must be kept flily in operation at all times when the licensed premises are open.
11.Each water-closet at the licensed premises must be provided with an adequate supply of toilet paper at all times.
12.Wash hand basin at the licensed premises must be provided with an adequate supply of liquid soap in dispensers and clean paper towels or cloth towel rolls in dispensers or electrical hand dryers at all times.
13.The licensed premises shall be adequately lit to the satisfaction of the Department at all times.
14.The office(s) and staff rest room(s) shall be adequately ventilated to the satisfaction of the Department.
15.The office(s), store room(s), staff rest room(s) and meter room(s) shall only be used for their designated purpose(s) and shall not be used for any other purpose.
16.Any emission of air, either above or below the temperature of the external air, from a ventilating system at the licensed premises shall be arranged for discharge into the open air at a height of not less than 2.5 metres above ground level and in such a manner as not to cause nuisance. Exhaust duct(s) shall be connected thereto if required by the Department.
17.The licensee of a billiard establishment shall exhibit and keep exhibited the words “Licensed for billiards” in English and in Chinese the characters “已領有桌球館牌照”in some conspicuous place near the door and on the outside of the licensed premises to the satisfaction of the Director.
18.The licensee of a billiard establishment shall exhibit and keep exhibited a notice in the form and of the size prescribed below some conspicuous place at the entrance of the licensed premises




The size of the English letters shall not be less than 5 cm (height) x 2.5 cm (width) and the size of the Chinese characters shall not be less than 5 cm (height) x 5 cm (width).

19.The Director may at any time revoke this licence if:
(i.)the licensee or any related persons have failed to comply with any National Security Laws;
(ii.)the licensee or any related persons have engaged or been involved in, or are engaging or being involved in, any Offending Conduct;
(ii.)any Offending Conduct is performed or carried out at the licensed premises; or
(iv.)the Director reasonably believes that it is or wolid be contrary to the interest of national security or the interest of the public (including public morals, public order and/or public safety) of Hong Kong for the licensee to continue to hold this licence.
20.In these Conditions:
(i.)“National Security Laws” means all laws and legislation relating to the safeguarding of national security which are from time to time in force in or applicable to Hong Kong, including the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as applied in Hong Kong under the Promligation of National Law 2020 (L.N. 136 of 2020) and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance (6 of 2024);
(ii.)“national security” has the meaning given to it under the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance;
(iii.)“offence endangering national security” has the meaning given to it under the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance;
(iv.)“Offending Conduct” means any act or activity that:
(1)constitutes or causes the occurrence of any offence endangering national security;
(2)in the reasonable opinion of the Government, is likely to constitute or cause the occurrence of any offence endangering national security; or
(3)in the reasonable opinion of the Government, is otherwise contrary to the interest of national security or the interest of the public (including public morals, public order and/or public safety) of Hong Kong;
(v.)“related person” means an officer, (including the manager referred to in condition 4), employee, or agent of the licensee, or a subcontractor or representative of any description of a licensee who assists or is involved in any way in the provision of billiard tables at the licensed premises;
(vi.)each of the words “engage”, “involve” and variants of any of these words shall include but not be limited to aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring a matter;
(vii.)expressions defined in the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) or Places of Amusement Regliation (Cap. 132BA) shall have the same meaning when used herein; and
(viii.)words importing the singliar include the plural and vice versa; words importing a gender include all other genders; and references to any person include any individual, firm, body corporate or unincorporated.

(Revised 3/2025)
