Honorary Head | Mr. John KC Lee,GBM,SBS, PDSM, PMSM Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
Head | Mr. YEUNG Yun Hung, Kevin,GBS, JP Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism Chairman of Sport Commission |
Honorary | Mr. WONG Chi Cho, Joe,JP Permanent Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism |
Ms. LAM Shuet Lai, Shirley,JP Permanent Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs |
Ms. LI Mei Sheung, Michelle,JP Permanent Secretary for Education |
Deputy Head | Mr. FOK Tsun-ting, Timothy,GBM, GBS, JP President of the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China / Vice-chairman of Sport Commission |
Mr. LIU Ming-kwong, Vincent,JP Director of Leisure & Cultural Services Department |