[Introduction] [Submission of Proposals] [Selection of Programmes] [Enquiries]
To nurture the interest of the general public in the arts, the Hong Kong Cultural Centre of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department regularly organises free cultural programmes at its foyer or outdoor piazza. Monthly free foyer programmes including "Weekday Happy Hours" and "Weekend Arts Delights" cover a wide range of Chinese and western performing arts to cater to many different interests. The Department also invites local and overseas organists to give free pipe organ concerts and workshops on selected Saturday afternoons. Other regular arts education activities include the "Pipe Organ Education Series" as well as the "Pipe Organ Education Concerts".
The Department is open to proposals for free cultural programmes and arts education activities. Generally, a proposal should include the biography / background of the artist / group, reviews and recordings (audio / visual) of past performances, proposed programme details, proposed performance date, and the proposed fee with cost breakdown (for Pipe Organ Programs only). For programmes by visiting artists, proposals should preferably be submitted 12-18 months in advance. For local programmes, proposals should preferably be submitted 6-12 months ahead. It would be difficult to consider proposals with less than 4 months' notice.
Proposals will be assessed according to the following criteria: artistic and educational merit of the programme, expertise and organisation ability of the artist / group, audience appeal, technical and financial viability, need for a balanced and mix art forms and interests of the target audience.
All proposals will be considered by the Programme Co-ordinating Meeting of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre.
Pipe Organ Programmmes
Address : | Venue Partnership & Programme Unit, 5/F, Auditoria Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong |
Telephone: | 2734 2819 |
Fax. : | 2739 0066 |
Foyer and Piazza Programmmes
Address : | Patron Services & Programme Unit, 5/F, Auditoria Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong |
Telephone: | 2734 2844 |
Fax. : | 2734 2053 |