[Introduction] [Formats of Collaboration] [Submission of Proposals]
[Selection of Programmes] [Procedure] [Programme and Development Committee]
[Art Form Sub-committee] [Enquiries] [Enquiries Invitation for Specialists]
The Cultural Presentations Section of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department organizes cultural programmes on a year-round basis. These programmes mostly take place at civic centres territory-wide and feature local as well as visiting artists in different types of performing arts events. The purpose is to enable our audience to enjoy programmes of a high quality at affordable ticket prices. In order to help our audience better appreciate different types of programmes, arts appreciation programmes are also organized from time to time.
The Department recognizes that it has a role in the development of the arts in Hong Kong. It presents established as well as upcoming artists and groups, and thus provides performance opportunities for artists to showcase their work.
The Department's support to artists and performing companies may take the form of "Presentation by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department", in which case the Department offers a fee to the artists and retains all box office proceeds. Collaboration may take the form of one-off presentations, commissioning of new works, or the commitment of a series of performances over a longer period of time, depending on the programmes offered by artists as well as their long term planning and needs.
Support may also take the form of "Programme Sponsorship", in which case the Department provides non-profit-making cultural organizations with the free use of venue, ticketing service and assistance with publicity. All production costs are borne by the sponsored organizations, which retain all ticket proceeds.
The Department is open to proposals for cultural programmes. There is no fixed format or schedule for submission of programme proposals. Artists may approach the Department directly, or through an artist agent. All proposals submitted will be equally considered. Generally, a proposal should include the biography/background of the artist/group, reviews and recordings (audio/visual) of past proposed performances, programme details, proposed date and venue, and the proposed fee with a breakdown of costs.
For programmes by visiting artists, proposals should preferably be submitted 18-24 months in advance. For local programmes, proposals should preferably be submitted 12-18 months ahead. It would be difficult to consider proposals with less than 6 months' notice. After receiving complete details, it would normally take about 3 months to process.
Proposals for presentation or programme sponsorship are assessed according to the following criteria:
(a) | Artistic merit - Programme quality is important, especially for presentation of visiting artists which usually involves high costs. For local programmes, apart from established artists and professional groups with known track records, the potential of up-and-coming artists/groups is also given high priority. |
(b) | Audience appeal - To cater for different tastes of the community, there is a need to cater to both the majority and minority interests of the audience. The need to introduce new directions and new experience is to be balanced against the known and the popular. |
(c) | Balance of programme - The Department's presentations have to cover a wide range of performing arts, balances of different needs of the audience, the offer of performance opportunities to local artists, and its role in facilitating the development of different art forms. A balance between overseas and local programmes has also to be maintained. |
(d) | Other factors to be considered - apart from the above-mentioned criteria, other factors such as financial implication, venue availability, technical feasibility, the relevant experience and ability of the applicant etc. are also important factors for consideration. |
(e) | For all programmes sponsored by the Department, the organizers must be bona fide non-profit-making cultural / performing arts bodies, and the programmes should preferably be performed by local artists/groups. |
Assessment of programme proposals is made at the Programme Meetings of the Cultural Presentations Section and recommendation will be submitted to the Art Form Sub-committees of the respective art forms for comments. It normally takes about 3 months to process an application with full details. Proposals with insufficient information will take a longer time to clarify and process.
We are now looking for specialists with professional knowledge of music, dance, Chinese opera, theatre and multi-arts to provide programme-related services at below (including but not limited to the following categories):
Interested parties are welcome to submit a full résumé including relevant qualifications and experience together with the proposal by email or by post for consideration (please specify the subject as "Invitation for Specialists").
For enquiries, please contact us by email.
eocp@lcsd.gov.hk |
Address | Cultural Presentations Section, Leisure and Cultural Services Department Podium, Administration Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. |
Music programmes | Tel No. : 2268 7216 Fax No. : 2366 2762 Email : mmus1@lcsd.gov.hk |
Dance programmes | Tel No. : 2268 7208 Fax No. : 2371 3519 Email : mdance@lcsd.gov.hk |
Multi-Arts programmes | Tel No. : 2268 7209 Fax No. : 2371 3519 Email : mma@lcsd.gov.hk |
Theatre programmes | Tel No. : 2268 7212 Fax No. : 2741 2658 Email : mtheatre@lcsd.gov.hk |
Chinese Opera programmes | Tel No. : 2268 7213 Fax No. : 2741 2658 Email : mchop1@lcsd.gov.hk |
Office Address | Podium, Administration Building Hong Kong Cultural Centre 10 Salisbury Road Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon |