2025 Bun Carnival

Bun Scrambling Competition

The Bun Scrambling Competition, to be conducted in three stages, namely training, selection contest and the final, will be held at the soccer pitch of Pak Tai Temple Playground, Cheung Chau. Healthy and physically fit people aged 18 or above may enrol from 17 February to 28 February 2025. The number of entrants for the Competition is capped at 200. If the number of enrolment exceeds the quota, the places for entrants will be allocated by ballot. Applicants who live, work or study on Cheung Chau will have priority in entering the ballot. Only those participants who complete the safety training sessions on bun tower climbing and prevention of falls, to be held on 6 April (Sunday), will be allowed to take part in the selection contest on 13 April (Sunday). The selection contest will be conducted in two rounds. The 24 contestants finishing the preliminary round in the fastest time, including no fewer than 6 female participants, will be eligible to enter the semi-final to be held on the same day, where they will compete for the 12 finalist places. The 12 finalists, comprising no fewer than 3 female participants, will be shortlisted to enter the final. The final will be held from 11:30 pm on 5 May (Monday) to 12:45 am on 6 May (Tuesday). Both male and female finalists will compete at the same time, scrambling for buns, which carry scores varying with their locations, on the bun tower within a time limit. The one with the highest total score will be declared a winner, while the one who bags the most buns within the specified time will be the prize winner of “Full Pockets of Lucky Buns”. To recognise their outstanding achievements and add to the atmosphere of the event, an award has been introduced since 2016 under which any male or female athlete who has won the championship three times in the Bun Scrambling Competition will gain the title of the “King of Kings” or the “Queen of Queens” for the Competition.

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Notes to ParticipantsDownload Notes to Participants
User Registration for SmartPLAYClick here for User Registration for SmartPLAY
List of Participants of Training on Bun Tower Climbing Download Ballot Result