A healthy lifestyle (including regular and appropriate amount of exercise and balanced diet) is conducive to enhancing physical fitness, and good physical fitness improves the quality of life. In order to let more people understand the importance of sport to health and cultivate a sports-loving culture in the community, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) launched the Physical Fitness Test for the Community in 2005-06 and 2011-12 respectively. Conducted under the supervision of the Advisory Committee on the Physical Fitness Test for the Community (AC) of the Community Sports Committee (CSC), the test collected comprehensive data on the physical fitness conditions of the public and a report was released. To collect more information for the setting up of a database on the physical fitness of the public, the LCSD conducted the Territory-wide Physical Fitness Survey for the Community (the Survey) in 2021. It was hoped that studying the relationship between the pattern of physical exercise and the physical fitness of the people of Hong Kong would assist the Government in formulating long-term objectives of and policies on “Sport for All” and identifying priority areas for improvement to enhance the overall physical fitness of the community.
The survey covered 8 500 Hong Kong citizens aged between 7 and 79, who were divided into 6 age groups (aged 7-11, 12-16, 17-19, 20-39, 40-59, and 60-79). The sample size required for each age group in the Survey was calculated by the method of proportional allocation in accordance with the population proportion in Hong Kong as published in the 2021 Population Census by the Census and Statistics Department, after deducting the population aged between 0 and 6 and 80 over.